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[–]oligarchracy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'll add that I wouldn't be fundamentally opposed to a libertarian merit based society where the smartest and hardest working among us are given the most power and the lazy and most dysfunctional sometimes have to suffer the consequences of their behavior without always being bailed out by everybody else.

The problem is that we don't live in a merit based society. We live in a Jewish dominated oligarchy that deliberately opposes a merit based society on the grounds that it would threaten their monopoly and would give more power to whites who actually are the most productive, humane, cooperative and competent. Not all Jews would oppose such a society, most are probably just oblivious NPCs unaware that among them are a hate filled Jewish mafia that rule over the rest of us incompetently and with malice. Still, anyone who fails to acknowledge this mafia like Jewish behavior only serves to perpetuate it.

Also, the fact that black dysfunction is never blamed on black behavior doesn't mean that is always the case with all groups at all times and anyone who complains about oppression and discrimination is just a whiner. That blacks are the source of their own problems and Jews are a source of white problems are not mutually exclusive. Both can be true. This is a trap libertarians fall into.