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[–][deleted] 9 insightful - 3 fun9 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

I was never a firm liberal, I got brainwashed through memes on Facebook. Average shit about gay marriage, abortions, and also I was very repulsed by the dumb christian-conservative fake news about refugees like "LOOK, THEY REFUSE RED CROSS FOOD BECAUSE IT HAS CROSS ON IT!!!", I was thinking they're just gonna chill for a while and go back to their homes.

Then I discovered /r/European and it completely changed my mind because I never saw on TV or in any media outlet what they were doing.

All in all, I just wanted to "do good", like I do today, and I was never into SJW shit, I was never anti-white, it's like if you're against privatization, being a liberal is default position here.

Trump also helped in critical thinking because media presented him and his supporters as the devil himself, and I went to /r/the_donald and I was like "wtf, these people are not evil and hateful as they say. In fact they seem quite cool."

Then I went on 4chan, totally unaware of shills there, so for a very brief period I thought Jews were based because they're fighting the muzzies and "they're the only democracy in ME". I found it weird when people obsessed about Jews, I was like "Wtf, why do people hate this particular religious minority??" but then patter recognition kicked in and changed my mind on that issue.

Then the lolbert years, I don't want to remember them, that was the age of stupidity and meme ideologies. The reason why I became lolbert tho is seeing highly ineffective government hospital, realizing how much money they steal from peoples' paychecks and they lacked the most basic things (they just send you to private clinic) while two ladies were working at very tiny info pult. My instinct was like "abolish taxes, privatize hospitals, cut the public apparatus". I was also already a nationalist at this point, I did lots of mental gymnastics about merging anarcho-capitalism and nationalism.

Finally, last stage of redpill was to accept socialism in national socialism, and I did so through this subreddit. Coming from ex-communist country, you are taught at every step that socialism is evil, that socialism is about stealing stuff from the little man by party members, that economics were pure disaster, that capitalism, whatever its flaws might be, is better, etc. It took me a while to truly understand what socialism is (Western marxoids certainly DIDN'T help with that because they were always like anti-family because they said family is a bourgeois value, stuff like that). University experience helped me develop that understanding of the world, but I'd also like to thank the people here for helping me get it too with the rejection of some harmful conservative dogmas.

[–]douglas_waltersWhite Supremacist 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I was also already a nationalist at this point, I did lots of mental gymnastics about merging anarcho-capitalism and nationalism.

That was Minarchism for me after I took the HBD/race realist pill.

Seeing how racially-cucked and utopian (ironic given their criticism of Communism) fellow lolberts were on various reddit subs completely pushed me away from all derivative forms of liberalism there after.

The JQ was the final pill to swallow and a natural progression.