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[–]shilldetector 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I wouldnt call myself far right. As far as ethno nationalist I would probably use the term ethnically aware anti woke lefty or something along those lines.

Like a lot of people, the change for me came around 2014 to 2016 when the Jewish anti white propaganda became so thick you could cut it with a knife. Of course at the time I didnt immediately attribute the propaganda to Jews, all I knew was that out of nowhere suddenly all these propaganda buzzwords like white privilege, systemic racism, woke, policing black bodies, whiteness, etc popped up out of nowhere while the media became completely obsessed with pushing the notion that blacks were being hunted by police and white people in general, despite statistics and my own eyes showing pretty much the exact opposite.

I began to pay attention to what was happening and who was responsible for this sudden change and why. Once you begin doing that its only a matter of time before you begin to notice the Jewish component. There are only so many times you can see the same group continually trashing you before a pattern emerges, and because im not a fucking moron it didnt take long for me to become educated in Jewish names and other clues that Jews themselves use in order to find out if someone is Jewish.

At that point there really is no better analogy than taking the red pill scene in the matrix. It perfectly describes what happens. For a while I kept looking at other reasons, kept trying to convince myself I was just using confirmation bias because I never really had an issue with Jews personally, but once Trump got elected and they just went full masks off it became undeniable that there was a large segment of Jews that were responsible for pushing this anti white, anti populist, woke bullshit and dystopian censorship into the mainstream.

I think the final red pill for me came from watching Jews discussing, organizing, laying out a plan of action, then following through with it in real time in order to destroy Jeremy Corbyn, solely because he criticized Israel and it's lobby. Once you see how Jewish ethnic activism dressed up as "racial justice" works in action there's no unseeing it, and I saw it happen from a left wing perspective so there was no alt right or far right views affecting it. Corbyn was enormously popular with the British left and his "anti racism" credentials were impeccable, yet he was still banished for no other reason than zionist Jews wanted him gone and they have the money, media and lobbying power to make it happen regardless of what the people want. I've since seen them do the same thing over and over again to others, including Trump supporters. The more scalps they collect the more emboldened, authoritarian and censorship crazed they get, and they will go after left wing heretics just as hard as the right.

I didnt really become acquainted with the "alt right" until shortly after, and even though I didnt really care about a lot of the things they do, I realized that they were seeing some of the exact same things I was seeing from a different political POV, and were the only ones willing to openly talk about them. The left itself just descended into a bizarre woke salem witch hunt and all common sense and reason shut down. I finally came to the conclusion that the left had become terminally Jewed and there was no reviving it, and that left and right no longer had any practical meaning. They are just terms used to divide and conquer.

[–]EthnocratArcheofuturist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

The JQ was a very hard red pill to swallow for me as well. In 2017 I was still thinking "I wish the Alt-Right would stop it with their conspiracy theories about the Jews". Then I finally decided to read The Culture of Critique and it convinced me. I actually remember being sick to my stomach because of it. That's how strong the brainwashing is. The JQ really is the final red pill. It's the biggest taboo in Western society. The analogy from The Matrix is perfect to describe it.

That being said, all Jews are not the same. Ashkenazi Jews are the major culprits. Other tribes of Jews are far less hostile to whites.

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

JQ was easiest for me.

"Oh, Jew made/owns this? Lemme google it. Oh shoot!", and repeat this dozens of times, then it turned into "Lemme check if Jew is behind this... ofc" lol

[–]shilldetector 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Ive become so familiar with their bullshit over the years that when i see a particularly nasty piece of propaganda or censorship and the name isnt obvious I can just do a google image search, take one look, and be like yep.

I read one such article the other day and the writers surname was kind of like this off brand anglo name. Not really a name you associate with them, but also slightly made up. Like at sometime someone decided they wanted a name that provided camouflage but could still be a clue to other members of the tribe. The author mentioned being white. Googled them and it was obvious. And of course you find out they got their start writing for “the forward” or some shit.

On reddit I could spot their shills all the time, look at their post history and find a smoking gun. I was amazed at how many of them were active on publicfreakout. Videos of whites being assaulted by blacks for being “racist” attracted them like flies on shit, with them often being the OP. Its obvious that sub is seen as a means of astroturfing self hatred of whites, incitement to violence, and racial intimidation. Reddit is such a cesspool of Jewish gaslighting and astroturfing now.

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Based, username checks out.

EDIT: RIP inbox!

EDIT2: thanks for the gold kind stranger!!