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[–]literalotherkinNorm MacDonald Nationalism 12 insightful - 3 fun12 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Great 50 people in some gay protest and the faggot Republicans are creaming in their pants again at the thought of more foreign trouble. You're incurable filth and you have no place in politics. The irony is that all the ebil Commie nations you despise including Cuba have always been more socially conservative than their Western liberal counterparts -- aside from early stages of Bolshevism in say Hungary and Russia. It's also no coincidence that these protests tend to pop up in states that push back against Neoliberalism, crippling IMF loans and social degeneracy.

Imagine being a Cuban and watching the way Americans carry on about 'freedom' abroad and looking at the actual state of the US of America in terms of the rights of dissidents. What an utter joke. It's like Jeffrey Dahmer giving a class on the ethics of sexual consent.

Curious what takes commie simps here have on this.

Reading that made me think of the Frum article in the run up to Iraq about unpatriotic conservatives and how wicked they were for opposing intervention in the most disastrous foreign policy decision in the 21st century by a long way. You're just another Frum. Everyone who, like me, would prefer my nation just to mind its fucking business and avoid the endless choosing of sides in these foreign quarrels -- that's what AMERICA FIRST means by the way you neoconserative faggot -- is now a 'commie simp'. Your flair is a sick joke and a mockery of that great tradition that was kept alive by great men like Lindbergh and Coughlin who both knew exactly who was trying to get us into these endless wars. It's not for chickehhawk fucks like you and you should change it.

Also: Fuck Jews.