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[–]FrenologistSaving the World 1 Cranial Exam at a Time 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I won't be taking the experimental gene therapy and no person or entity, not even the government, has the power to force it on me. I already had covid and it was a total nothing-burger. This so-called, "Delta," variant may be more infectious but, has even less severe symptoms than the original strain which, had a 99.97% survival rate.

With that said, there's no point arguing/debating the efficacy of the experimental gene therapy because those who want it already took it and those who don't want it haven't taken it. The ONLY debate worth having is what actions to take if the government decides to unconstitutionally mandate it.