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[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]JuliusCaesar225Nationalist + Socialist 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    A true dissident does not support the Trump cult, you can vote for him but not be a part of the MAGA cult. You are brainwashed by the system if you think he is a radical against globalism and leftism when it is all an illusion. Neither the leftist hysteria nor the worship from the right has any basis in reality when it comes to Trump. Please don't speak about "real politics" if you can't see through this.

    Did you know his chief of staff said they want even more immigrants and insiders have said they planned to expand legal immigration his 2nd term? They can do that because the issue is only "illegal immigration" so they can convince you that legal immigration is good and conservatives buy into it. America is more pro immigration than ever now and the topic didn't even come up this election. No one even cares anymore. Obama's administration deported more illegals and the only change in legal immigration Trump made prior to Covid-19 was to expand h1b visas and defend that attack on American tech workers by giving corporate America's talking points about how we don't have enough skilled labour. Bannon at least seemed to have some unique ideas but he was purged.

    If Trump was a nationalist, even a civic nationalist, I would support and defend him but he is not so all you are defending is someone who triggers the libs.