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[–]ChancellorMershekel 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

A positive effect of this utterly imbecilic garbage is that it demonstrates that the idea of White Left-liberal values in some sense being 'universal values' (what White Leftists/liberals have long claimed, i.e. that anyone who adheres to these values are in our 'in-group', those who reject them are othered, labelled 'out-group') seems to have become a casualty of the current Cultural Revolution.

Now, dumbass White Leftists/liberals. Non-Whites don't like your 'values'. And that's great! They're going to keep being 'homophobic', 'xenophobic', and all the rest, and there's nothing you can do about it. Eat shit!

We can also have a laugh at how those things that (probably) should be universal values have also been thrown out with all the rest, for example:

'Work before play'

'Plan for future'

These two things seem pretty intuitive to us, don't they? Shouldn't they be intuitive to anyone that isn't mentally impaired? To Whites, they are indeed deeply embedded within the 'White culture' that anti-Whites so often exclaim does not exist (often snarkily as though they have just stated something deeply profound rather than deeply idiotic). For example, they're practically the moral of the well-known story 'The Ant and the Grasshopper', and are key to what German sociologist Max Weber labelled the 'Protestant Work Ethic'. For Weber, it is this which led to the capitalism/industrialization that led to Europe moving far ahead of the rest of the world during the Industrial Revolution and after. Perhaps it is because they are intuitive to us that we are blinded to the fact that they may not be intuitive to the other races.

Additionally, some non-Whites are calling it 'racist' (big surprise...) because it suggests that, not only are such obviously good things not deeply embedded within non-White cultures (which is a tacit claim that White culture is superior), but that non-Whites are in some sense 'acting White' (and thus cannot adhere to them if they remain their natural selves) if they attempt also adhering to them. Don't you just love it when these blithering imbeciles cannibalize each other!?

[–]Blackbrownfreestuff 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Haha, how about "rigid time structures". Showing up on time is white supremacy. This shit is hilarious.

[–]ChancellorMershekel 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Even those milquetoast 'cuckservatives'—who barely ever criticize Leftist extremism in the social sphere—have been taking out the piss out of this specific case of imbecilic nonsense on television. We're literally living in a world where the demarcation between 'comedy' and 'reality' has effectively been abolished.

Funnily, that poster really communicates a sort of indirect and unintentional 'White supremacy'. It's literally saying that Whites are the only people who aren't total pieces of garbage incapable of being trusted to consistently do any of the following: meet deadlines, stockpile resources, maintain a proper family structure, and a whole lot of other things. I mean, it's even taking a more extreme stand on the differences between Whites and other races than I do... but for all the wrong reasons. They aren't saying that non-Whites are bad for not engaging in those things. They're saying that Whites are bad because they are. The correction is thus not for non-Whites to start doing those things, but for Whites to stop and simply live like the third-worlders already mostly do.

So the real kicker, of course, is that if Whites do all those things and that's apparently bad... then by extension not meeting deadlines, engaging in short-termism regarding planning and saving, having broken families, etc. is all good. That's where it becomes the stuff of comedy. In a more sane time, you'd think that this was just some 'racist' having fun making fake graphics, or perhaps some closeted 'racist' about to leave the job doing this as a sort of parting shot. But in our time, we know that they mean it for real.

[–]Blackbrownfreestuff 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the real kicker, of course, is that if Whites do all those things and that's apparently bad... then by extension not meeting deadlines, engaging in short-termism regarding planning and saving, having broken families, etc. is all good

Exactly, what alternative are they suggesting? The things on this poster didn't happen on accident. Whites tried different things and finally settled on THESE values because they lead to prosperity. If someone could please demonstrate what alternative values from our dark skinned friends, who have failed to build a prosperous nation anywhere, that they would like to replace these with, then lets hear it.