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[–]Jesus 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (10 children)



Most Jews are NOT SEMITIC though.

The conclusion is, that it does not matter though if a person is a Jew, a Gentile claiming to be Jewish, or a Gentile; all must come to Jesus Messiah for salvation.

My point in the above post was that I have seen many revisionist-Zionist Jews spew anti-Semitic hate against Arabs. Judaism to me and other Orthodox Jews, is a religion above all, of the 1st covenant. For thousands of years Judaism was never considered a race. Palestinians and Arabs are, nevertheless, Semitic. I have a profound problem with Jewish terrorists like the Stern Gang, Irgun, Lehi and revisionist secular Jews who are really apostate Jews.

Zionists, first created and Nazis, later used the blood purity, race narrative to categorize Jews. Just read some of Herzl's writings and you'll see that he was totally delirious. Befriending anti-Judaics and calling Jews "kikes."

It makes sense though because some of the most prominent Zionist Jews loathed the assimilationist or diasporic Jews who refused to emigrate to Israel.

Powerful Zionist interests want you to come out of high school with a high-school-level mastery of the English language.

No, but certainly revisionist Zionists like the Likud had a direct hand in 9/11. Blaming muslim arabs for this false flag when all the Saudi "hijackers" had Mossad handlers in Hollywood, Fl., exposes severe anti-Semitism.

The latter. The. Latter. You're missing a 't', bud.

I don't have spellcheck on and your last sentence is a fallacy.

May God bless you. And may Yeshua guide you.

[–]joogabah 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

The irony is that Palestinians may be descendants of Jews who were alive in the region during Christ's time, who later converted to Islam.

Have you read Dr. Judy Wood? There are a lot of anomalies surrounding 9/11 that can't be explained by either of the competing theories (the nonsense official theory, or the conventional controlled demolition theory).

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, very true. But the Likudniks have a small facet within their ranks that also push this notion that:

Yes, Palestinians can have a one state solution... However... They must convert to Judaism and follow Jewish law and serve in the IDF.

What is there reason for this? The likudniks say:

Well, Palestinians are Hebrews just like us. They were forced to convert to Islam 750 years ago. Hence, they need to convert back to Judaism and everything will be fine.

Too late Likudniks and not a sound argument.

If an entire mass of people, (group A) who converted to Islam, live in an area, with other Jews mind you, for nearly a thousand years practicing their religion and then some other group terrorizes them and steals all of their property 750 years later, do you think group A. would say, hey yes, you can have all of this land and we will convert back to our original religion of our ancestors to please you and serve in the IDF.

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Good video, it shows that Jewish revisionist Zionists loathed diasporic Jews to the point of killing them. Think Iraqi Jews or Iranian Jews. The point is revisionist Zionists tried to dehumanize Iraqi and Iranian Jews even to the point of killing them.

That's why I've been saying that I see a lot of Zionists Jews spew anti-Judaic racial ad hominems on Jews, attacking their features to catagorize Jews. Herzl did this. The more fear a Jew has the more he will want to emigrate to Israel, which is exactly what the Zionists want.

Like I said, I see Trump supporters say the most anti-Judaic stuff against Jewish features, no logical arguments to be made, not even sound criticism. My question to them would be if you mock Jews all the time, why then do you support Trump and Netanyahu? The former figurehead is loved by revisionist Zionists and the Likud in Israel and the latter is the leader of Israel. So, having caught a lot of them supporting these figureheads their actions lead me to believe that they are Zionist Jews attacking Diasporic Jews.

[–]send_nasty_stuff 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

Judaism to me and other Orthodox Jews, is a religion above all, of the 1st covenant

A religion whose followers went around calling themselves the 'sperma' of abraham. Come off it Jesus. Jews are a distinct racial and ethnic group. If they weren't you wouldn't be able to identify them with genetic testing. For your argument to work Jews would have to go around openly expounding their religion as universal and they'd have to also be open to outsiders which they clearly are not. By their own strict doctrines their not. So you have multiple points going against your argument: testing, history, religious text, the words of Jews themselves.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

95% of Jews are converts. They are NOT RACIAL. In fact calling Jews racial is exactly what certain Zionists would want you to say in order to keep Jews unified into pushing the Zionist doctrine. A doctrine that has persecuted many Jews and is the enmey of a Jew.

Jews are an ethnic group. With culture and heritage and a false religion. Albeit one I wholeheartedly disagree with. They are not bound by blood or race. Only a very, very small semitic sevt is that can prove they are from the tribe of Judah. 2000 years there has been far too much intermarrying and gene mixing to contend that Jews are a race. Jews themselves before the inquisition never believed they were either.

For your argument to work Jews would have to go around openly expounding their religion as universal and they'd have to also be open to outsiders which they clearly are not. By their own strict doctrines their not. So you have multiple points going against your argument: testing, history, religious text, the words of Jews themselves.

Those DNA tests alone have been contradicted by other DNA tests and even the ones you claim still donnot prove they are from the tribe of Judah.

They do not expound their talmudism, Jewish Cabala beliefs, Zoharism because they renounced Yeshua and have been persecuted theoughout history. The current religious Jews of today are the biblical offshoot of the pro-Creditor Hillel sect and the Pharisees. Not by race but by religious parallelsin their rabbinicalism and supremacy.

The atheistic Jews and communists, many growing up in rabbinical homes renounced their religiosity for humanism or atheistic revisionist Zionism.

They are not really Jews, because being a Jew means you practice a religion, albieit, a false one. That secrecy does not mean there has to be some sort of interconnecting blood /racial link.

Testing fails to me tion the Khazarian theory and that they encompass all different areas in the Pale of Settelment where the Khazarian empire was and Turkey and later Germany. They are not semitic, in the sense that they have a racial link to the tribe of Judah. That lie alone feeds the Zionist doctrine.

Ashkenazi Jews came from Japheth through Ashkanaz in eastern Europe. Many of them were converts. Some practiced Judaism well before the mass conversion. Read Wesxler's book on thr Ashkanazic Jews and their slavic-turkic connections. There are many other studies on this subject as well.

[–]send_nasty_stuff 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

95% of Jews are converts.

I kindly request a source for this claim. The process of non Jewish conversion is lengthy and not an easy process. To say 95% of the 14 million Jews in the world are 'converts' is a laughable claim. Listen to Luke Ford explain his conversion process to Eric Striker. It's not easy.

Jews are an ethnic group

I thought you just said they were a religion. So they are an ethnic group religion with no blood relation? Do you see how inconsistent that sounds? Most ethnic religions have a strong blood connection as well. How do you explain the Jewish idea that children of Jewish mothers are automatically Jewish without any need to convert?

Those DNA tests alone have been contradicted by other DNA tests and even the ones you claim still donnot prove they are from the tribe of Judah.

Ah; and there it is. You can only be a 'blood' jew if you're of the tribe of Judah? That's laughable because we have no reliable way of tracing who is and isn't of the tribe of Judah. If you're just relying on ancient texts there's multiple ways to read those. You can even say most of the semite tribe left the Levant and populated the Uk, German and the rest of continental Europe (making whites the real semites). There's no consistency in the interpretation of ancient texts. There is consistency in the genetic data that shows most Jews are genetically connected to each other, Ashkenazim included. Even mainstream scientists like Pinker admit to this. And let's not even get into all the 13th tribe theories and Kazaria.

The current religious Jews of today are the biblical offshoot of the pro-Creditor Hillel sect and the Pharisees. Not by race but by religious parallelsin their rabbinicalism and supremacy.

Got it. So somewhere along the line some random group of power hungry people just 'hijacked' the entire structure of the Jewish religion and are parading around as Jews? Do you realize how bold this claim is? You haven't provided any evidence of this and you shouldn't expect people to believe such strong claims without a lot of evidence.

The atheistic Jews and communists, many growing up in rabbinical homes renounced their religiosity for humanism or atheistic revisionist Zionism.

I strongly disagree. Jews, as E. Michael Jones painfully documents in his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, have always been revolutionaries wherever they go. Communism, radical secularism, athiesms, academic critical theory, LGBTPEDO activism, and the SJW/cancel culture is a 'revolutionary' political expression that is similar to Jewish groups in the past.

They are not really Jews, because being a Jew means you practice a religion, albieit, a false one

You can't just reject Jews because you don't like how they practice their radical Jewish disposition. The Jewish community around the world needs to own the revolutionaries operating in the US and UK far left groups the same way they need to own the bolshivik commissars. If they don't they're going to be severely blindsided when gentiles again move to quarantine, prosecute and eject Jews from gentile societies.

Testing fails to me tion the Khazarian theory and that they encompass all different areas in the Pale of Settelment where the Khazarian empire was and Turkey and later Germany

Please find me a native 'Khazarian' so we can test this theory. (I'm not totally against the Khazaria idea but it's tough to empirically prove)

That secrecy does not mean there has to be some sort of interconnecting blood /racial link.

Again. According to Judaism itself it does.

They are not semitic, in the sense that they have a racial link to the tribe of Judah.

How is it that you can prove the Ashkenazim have blood ties to khazaria and not judah? How can you disprove if someone makes the claim that the jews ran to khazaria from the levant/judah?

Ashkenazi Jews came from Japheth through Ashkanaz in eastern Europe

And where were they before that?

Many of them were converts. Some practiced Judaism well before the mass conversion.

Of if you're talking about the Kingdom of Khazaria's conversion that doesn't mean the ruling class of Khazaria weren't blood jews connected to Judah.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Judasim is more or less a religion some might contend cult.

Race and ethnicity mean two very different things and are not interchangeable in this context. Most Jews hold unto their ethno-nationalism because of persecution and their notable victimization complex. Judaism harbors a culture and in common but sometimes contradicting faith.

Race is the physical characterization of group of people in which its members all share in common. Such as color of skin or shape of face. There are a lot fewer races than there are ethnicities. Hence, why I can say a large portion of Jewish sects hold an ethnic commonality. Some, Jews, like Schlomo Sand even contend that this ethnic-nationalism is an utter ruse. Are Jews some sort of pure race to you? They must have done a lot of sexting with their cousin if so. What racial traits do Ethiopian Jews share with Ashkenazi Jews? DNA doesn't define race. Some might then contend that Jews, specifically, Ashkanazi Jews carry specific/unique diseases, but recent studies have sown these are regional diseases, not genetic ones.

Anon stated, and I cannot agree with him more:

Jews can't say say the bible is a fraud though because they try to use it to justify their connection to Israel or the twelve tribes. Without the bible, and their interpretation, there are no Israelites, Judahite sorry even "Jewish" people. This is why Jewish atheists are redundant in ideology. Without the bible, there is no Israel.

As far as owning sovereignty of the land, it is from the bible. Secular Zionists still believe the land is theirs, but they got this ideology from the bible. Religious Zionists take verses from the bible to say that they own the land. So in essence, they still believe the bible gave them a right to the land. But as all kingdoms, many conquest and conquerors come and go.

But again, from the primary discussion, Jews aren't a race, DNA is mixed and not pure over many generations, no distinct phenotype or genotype. Jewish history starts with Judea....not even Israel. The encyclopedia Judaica states that Jews were not Israelites.

Ashkenazic holds a body of customs binding on Jews of an ancestry howver long, albeit with gene-mixing and intermarrying. Reform Judaism, still a religion, persay, originated among Ashkenazi Jews.

Ethnicity is your culture. Ashkenazic is thus an ethnicity. In order for Jews to be a race, they’d have to be Semitic. But Semitism does not equal Judaism or Jewishness. Which is what the majority of the ethnic-nationalist Ashkanazi Jews use as a precedent for land grabs. That they were bound to the land, that it is holy to them, despite their apostasy.

Although, I do not want to admit it, the Jewish people are today very much a national group. That is why we see leftist-Jews like Max Blumenthal attack those who question the legitimacy of the state of Israel despite Blumenthal not being religious and being all the same empathetic towards Palestinians. Hence, it is religion and when it is not? it is materialism. Most religious Jews would thus call these non-religious “Jews”, that might still practice some Jewish traditions, not Jews at all, or in some Hasidic Jewish circles if they needed to use these non-religious “Jews for the ‘good of the cause’they would utilize integrationalism, such as what the Chabad Lubavitchers do. That is the belief that if you believe you’re Jewish or work to push their agenda, you can be integrated among the Jews. Hence, the conversion of Christians to slaves of noahidism!

Although anyone familiar with Jews and Judaism would recognize that Jews are not a race, this hasn't prevented outsiders from labeling us as such. After the Enlightenment, it became less acceptable to hate Jews for religious reasons, (Talmudism is more than enough to criticize) and so social darwinistic racial pseudo-science became the excuse. (Pushed by political Zionists and Nazis) Hitler and the Nazis were examples of this, defining Jewish identity in racial terms and hating Jews on a racial rather than religious basis (though religion, historically, created the atmosphere of hatred). ~~ Quora There were of course other reasons why a people didn’t like Jews, one such reason was conflating the common Jews with court Jews and wealthy usurious Jewish bankers, many times being the King’s money Lenders. There’s an old proverb which states: The Rothschild’s were not the King of the Jews but the King of the Kings. Despite this, the fact that one can convert to Judaism and that Jews span multiple racial categories (there are Jews who are Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.) proves this categorization to be false. Moreover, the counterpart of Ashkenazi is Sephardic, since most non-Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews follow Sephardic rabbinical authorities, whether or not they are ethnically Sephardic.

Yiddishkeit is specifically the Jewishness of Ashkenazi Jews. Meaning their culture can be opposed to their counterparts in Spain that number far fewer.

Relations between Ashkenazim and Sephardim have at times been tense and clouded by arrogance, snobbery and claims of racial superiority with both sides claiming the inferiority of the other, based upon such features as physical traits and culture.

Ashkanazi Jews have been noted to treat the minority Sephardim Jews in Israel with disrespect and demonization. Again, even Jews can fall into the race canard to use it as a means to degrade the other. Herzl and his political Zionist pupils were quite notorious for doing this. The absolutely loathed assimilationist Jews, occasionally calling for pogroms.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 2

There are 6 million Ashkenazi Jews in the US; 3 million Ashkenazi Jews in Israel, possibly this is higher.

The name Ashkenazi derives from the biblical figure of Ashkenaz, the first son of Gomer, son of Japhet, son of Noah, and a Japhetic patriarch in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10). The name of Gomer has often been linked to the ethnonym Cimmerians.

Dr. Eran Elhaik has published two research papers which cite Sand's work extensively. Eran Elhaik - geneticist responsible for validating one version of the "Khazarian Hypothesis" - is hardly the quack he's been made out to be by Forbes, JPost, et al. He's a paid consultant for National Geographic's Genographic Project. Basically, Elhaik accusse scientists and historians of the "Rhineland Hypothesis" of selectively presenting data to support the political agenda of Zionist historiography - a view of history which prefers to jump from Second Temple Judaism all the way to Herzl.

The first, "The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses", came out in December 2012 argued that genetic evidence points to a "mosaic of Near Eastern-Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries" within the founding population of modern European Jews.[18] The theory proved highly controversial, and was contested by a number of historians and several geneticists.[19] Elhaik's second paper, in collaboration with others, similarly used Sand's work and concluded that the Ashkenazi descend from 'a heterogeneous Iranian population, which later mixed with Eastern and Western Slavs and possibly some Turks and Greeks in the territory of the Khazar Empire around the 8th century A.D.

In 2016, Wexler and geneticist Eran Elhaik co-authored a study that analyzed the geographical origin of Yiddish speakers using a method called Geographic Population Structure (GPS) to analyze their DNA. They claimed that the DNA has originated in Northeastern Turkey in four villages whose names were, they argued, derived from the word "Ashkenaz." The predicted location was also on the hub of Silk Road routes and close to the Khazarian Empire, as predicted by Wexler and in contrast with the predictions of the Rhineland hypothesis. The authors argue that this is where a non-Germanic "pre-Yiddish" was developed as an undocumented language for trade and that with the Judaization of Slavs it acquired its alleged Slavic component.[19] This argument has been criticized by both geneticists and linguists, who argue that there are serious methodological flaws in its linguistic and genetic components. In addition to conventional linguistic approaches demonstrating that Yiddish is descended from Old High German, the Geographic Population Structure (GPS) tool is not suitable "for admixed populations and for tracing ancestry up to 1,000 years before present, as its authors have previously claimed."

"We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaized Khazars, Greco–Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews, and Judeans and that their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga with roots stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan."

According to Elhaik:

There is an entire section (“The Geographical and Ancestral Origins of AJs”) in Das et al. (2016) that addresses this issues :

“GPS findings raise two concerns: first that the Turkish “Ashkenaz” region may be the centric location of other regions rather than the place where the Ashkenazic Jewish admixture signature was formed; second, in the absence of “Ashkenazic” Turks it is impossible to compare the genetic similarity between the two populations to validate the common origins implied by the GPS results.”

Hence Elhaik’s study contradicts the assertion that Jews are one Semitic group from ancient Israel; this also debunks, even if they all were Semitic, that certain Jews somehow have a right to own all of Israel, which they are currently trying to do through ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

2:05 Israeli’s answer is on point:

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Got it. So somewhere along the line some random group of power hungry people just 'hijacked' the entire structure of the Jewish religion and are parading around as Jews? Do you realize how bold this claim is? You haven't provided any evidence of this and you shouldn't expect people to believe such strong claims without a lot of evidence.

Yes, certainly. But they are Jews some religious some secular but follow Jewish traditions.

There's crazies and fundamentalists in all religions. Maybe read Israel Shahak? He's Jewish and a humanist and exposes the state of Israel and Zionism tirelessly.

Of if you're talking about the Kingdom of Khazaria's conversion that doesn't mean the ruling class of Khazaria weren't blood jews connected to Judah.

But no evidence supports this. They converted in mass. Even If they are from Judah, they rejected Christ. They have no rights to the land of Israel as a whole.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)
