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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Judasim is more or less a religion some might contend cult.

Race and ethnicity mean two very different things and are not interchangeable in this context. Most Jews hold unto their ethno-nationalism because of persecution and their notable victimization complex. Judaism harbors a culture and in common but sometimes contradicting faith.

Race is the physical characterization of group of people in which its members all share in common. Such as color of skin or shape of face. There are a lot fewer races than there are ethnicities. Hence, why I can say a large portion of Jewish sects hold an ethnic commonality. Some, Jews, like Schlomo Sand even contend that this ethnic-nationalism is an utter ruse. Are Jews some sort of pure race to you? They must have done a lot of sexting with their cousin if so. What racial traits do Ethiopian Jews share with Ashkenazi Jews? DNA doesn't define race. Some might then contend that Jews, specifically, Ashkanazi Jews carry specific/unique diseases, but recent studies have sown these are regional diseases, not genetic ones.

Anon stated, and I cannot agree with him more:

Jews can't say say the bible is a fraud though because they try to use it to justify their connection to Israel or the twelve tribes. Without the bible, and their interpretation, there are no Israelites, Judahite sorry even "Jewish" people. This is why Jewish atheists are redundant in ideology. Without the bible, there is no Israel.

As far as owning sovereignty of the land, it is from the bible. Secular Zionists still believe the land is theirs, but they got this ideology from the bible. Religious Zionists take verses from the bible to say that they own the land. So in essence, they still believe the bible gave them a right to the land. But as all kingdoms, many conquest and conquerors come and go.

But again, from the primary discussion, Jews aren't a race, DNA is mixed and not pure over many generations, no distinct phenotype or genotype. Jewish history starts with Judea....not even Israel. The encyclopedia Judaica states that Jews were not Israelites.

Ashkenazic holds a body of customs binding on Jews of an ancestry howver long, albeit with gene-mixing and intermarrying. Reform Judaism, still a religion, persay, originated among Ashkenazi Jews.

Ethnicity is your culture. Ashkenazic is thus an ethnicity. In order for Jews to be a race, they’d have to be Semitic. But Semitism does not equal Judaism or Jewishness. Which is what the majority of the ethnic-nationalist Ashkanazi Jews use as a precedent for land grabs. That they were bound to the land, that it is holy to them, despite their apostasy.

Although, I do not want to admit it, the Jewish people are today very much a national group. That is why we see leftist-Jews like Max Blumenthal attack those who question the legitimacy of the state of Israel despite Blumenthal not being religious and being all the same empathetic towards Palestinians. Hence, it is religion and when it is not? it is materialism. Most religious Jews would thus call these non-religious “Jews”, that might still practice some Jewish traditions, not Jews at all, or in some Hasidic Jewish circles if they needed to use these non-religious “Jews for the ‘good of the cause’they would utilize integrationalism, such as what the Chabad Lubavitchers do. That is the belief that if you believe you’re Jewish or work to push their agenda, you can be integrated among the Jews. Hence, the conversion of Christians to slaves of noahidism!

Although anyone familiar with Jews and Judaism would recognize that Jews are not a race, this hasn't prevented outsiders from labeling us as such. After the Enlightenment, it became less acceptable to hate Jews for religious reasons, (Talmudism is more than enough to criticize) and so social darwinistic racial pseudo-science became the excuse. (Pushed by political Zionists and Nazis) Hitler and the Nazis were examples of this, defining Jewish identity in racial terms and hating Jews on a racial rather than religious basis (though religion, historically, created the atmosphere of hatred). ~~ Quora There were of course other reasons why a people didn’t like Jews, one such reason was conflating the common Jews with court Jews and wealthy usurious Jewish bankers, many times being the King’s money Lenders. There’s an old proverb which states: The Rothschild’s were not the King of the Jews but the King of the Kings. Despite this, the fact that one can convert to Judaism and that Jews span multiple racial categories (there are Jews who are Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.) proves this categorization to be false. Moreover, the counterpart of Ashkenazi is Sephardic, since most non-Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews follow Sephardic rabbinical authorities, whether or not they are ethnically Sephardic.

Yiddishkeit is specifically the Jewishness of Ashkenazi Jews. Meaning their culture can be opposed to their counterparts in Spain that number far fewer.

Relations between Ashkenazim and Sephardim have at times been tense and clouded by arrogance, snobbery and claims of racial superiority with both sides claiming the inferiority of the other, based upon such features as physical traits and culture.

Ashkanazi Jews have been noted to treat the minority Sephardim Jews in Israel with disrespect and demonization. Again, even Jews can fall into the race canard to use it as a means to degrade the other. Herzl and his political Zionist pupils were quite notorious for doing this. The absolutely loathed assimilationist Jews, occasionally calling for pogroms.