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[–]theoracle 72 insightful - 3 fun72 insightful - 2 fun73 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

I am pretty sure that reddits situation is down to the mods and admins, which is down to the platform allowing them to be ahole dictators. Much better to give people the option to switch them off or to someone else, otherwise we will just have to keep forking into more and more sites.

[–]OffAndSphere 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

optional moderation finally gets added

six months pass

"Hey guys, welcome back to F##kNig####YT! Today I'll be showing you how to optimize your moderation settings on Saidit."

"First off, do not use sort by new, unless you want to turn your experience into a carbon copy of 4chan's."

"u/discussionmasterbot is a great community moderation bot that bans lots of dumb one-liners like 'nazi'."

"Take a look at the value multipliers for insightful and funny upvotes. You can fiddle with them so you can view comments that are mainly funny or insightful. There's also ratio settings that can compare stuff like comments, upvotes, and loads of other information to help deal with bait or certain types of annoying, unproductive comments. Oh, did I mention you can save different types of sorting methods?"

"That's all for today, be sure to hit the like button if you enjoyed this video, and if you want to see more, consider subscribing to my channel!"

[–]theoracle 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I like your post, but I think choosing moderators could be quite easy with say a ranked list. If could get more obscure for particular types of moderation like for pyramids etc. I guess people will discuss these etc and that's how you'll find them. I think whole topics will form around just the various moderation styles themselves.

This is so obviously the future to me I am surprised it hasn't been done still yet. The first site to nail this down will dominate, it is so obviously better. It basically allows for all sites, topics, and users to coexist on one platform.