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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

How did I not see this??? Because, yeah-- you just know that this very scenario is playing out for real. ALL THE TIME. And if lesbians are managing to use this stupid Conversion Therapy 2.0 genderist ideology against itself? Then I say: good for them.

I also wonder, given how successful the TQ+'s "lesbian = woman who's exclusively-same-gender-attracted" con has been, if many young lesbians-- upon noticing their complete lack of attraction to "transbians"-- genuinely think that they must be "ace" somehow. Since there are these "women" they MYSTERIOUSLY just can't see in a sexual way at all! How else to explain it...?

[–]reluctant_commenter[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I also wonder, given how successful the TQ+'s "lesbian = woman who's exclusively-same-gender-attracted" con has been, if many young lesbians-- upon noticing their complete lack of attraction to "transbians"-- genuinely think that they must be "ace" somehow. Since there are these "women" they MYSTERIOUSLY just can't see in a sexual way at all! How else to explain it...?

It's interesting to me how different (lesbian) individuals react to the TQ+ shaming: "If you don't want to date a trans woman then you're a horrible person!" Some lesbians respond by calling themselves asexual; that's one pathway.

My own pathway was different. Ironically, "trans women" were part of what made me realize I was lesbian. I had been hiding behind the bisexual label for years because I knew I couldn't deny my same-sex attraction, but assumed that I had to be attracted to men, some man, somewhere, in spite of the fact that I was never attracted to the ones around me. I realized scrolling through AGP-dominated "lesbian" Tumblr posts that dick grossed me out and that I didn't want to date a guy, and that I perceived "trans lesbians" as male. And then I saw all those shaming messages and felt horrible about myself. Eventually, I confronted the possibility that I might be lesbian, and the idea disturbed me so much that I believed I had to transition and was a "man." So there's another pathway-- identifying as nonbinary or as a "trans man" instead.

I wouldn't say that TQ+ shaming was the only thing that drove me to the belief that I needed to transition. My homophobic religious upbringing laid the foundation for that. But it did give me a shove in that direction. "There's something wrong with me-- with my sexual orientation; I can fix it if I transition."

(Sorry, that's a very navel-gazey wall of text in response to your observation, lol.)