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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Very well-put! Yeah, we're at the ludicrous place now where the only truly, AUTHENTICALLY gay people are... straight. Because "queer" has been deemed the "gold standard" for gayness, and claiming "trans" identity automatically makes you the queerest queer who ever queered. Maybe due to the fact that "queerness" is fundamentally a performance-- all about getting attention, and people's reaction to you-- whereas homosexuality is just... an inherent characteristic; part of who you are... regardless of how it's expressed, or whether anyone notices. And since straight people have decided that "gay" needs to be ✨FABULOUS✨ (with rainbows comin' outta yer ass) 24/7, well, that's just not good enough.

Makes me wonder if this might be the real-life equivalent of what Hollywood used to do with gay characters: have them played by indisputably-straight actors. Because the audience was only comfortable with a "gay person" when they knew that they weren't REALLY gay at all. And it was, in fact, just a safely-straight person... pretending. I often sense something similar where the enthusiasm for TQ+ is concerned. It's gay people as imagined by straight people. Just like "trans" is women as imagined by men (and vice-versa).