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[–]reluctant_commenter[S] 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (79 children)

edit: This person is a troll and believes that this community is "the trans people we hate".

Please report them and move on. u/AmandaLick, you might try s/GCDebatesQT, rather than derailing my post. Thanks.

Your profile says you've been a saiditter for 9 minutes and you contributed your first comment, so clearly there IS growth in participation! 😂

But, to be serious for a second. You say this:

Any gains in subs are probably lost as attrition when people realize that this site is mostly for conspiracy theorists who aren't QUITE racist and anti-Semitic enough for voat.

This is false. s/lgbdroptthet had just hit 1,200 people when I started participating here this past June-July. And now we're almost at 1,700. That is steady growth-- over a 40% increase in membership in less than 6 months! Clearly some people are sticking around despite the bigotry/ridiculousness of other communities on Saidit.

I also wouldn't really describe what happened to AL as a "hostile takeover", mostly because nobody really cared to begin with.

Can you be more specific with what you mean by this? AL today is dominated by trans posts and comments, and bans women who are same-sex-attracted. While this change did take place over the course of years (as far as I am aware), it sure as hell is hostile to LB women now.