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[–]Peniless 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (12 children)

No they don't. This is just making it worse

[–]ChunkeeguyTeam T*RF Fuck Yeah 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (10 children)

No it will not. You might as well say the gays and lesbians at Stonewall should have just put up with the police raids and not fought back. You fight back and you gather allies to your cause. The TRAscists are overreaching time and again and they will lose in the long run if we don't back down.

[–]Peniless 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (9 children)

Yes it will get worse. You're not gathering allies, you're forcing gay men be your allies instead of them actually helping us lesbians willingly, that's the problem. In stonewall, nobody said "homophobes should attack gay men too so gay men fight with us lesbians, don't stop the homophobes and let them go after gay men to wake them up", but now in the fight with TRAs you're saying such a thing, "let TRAs go after gay men and don't stop them so gay men come help us". That's such a disgusting thing to do. What would you feel like if I did something like that to you? I'm in a war, instead of doing it myself, I let the enemies go after you in your house to beat you up and harass you on the basis that I believe you will be my ally and help me win the war afterwards.

You're using gay men. If you were being used like this, you wouldn't like it, it is so hypocritical to expect gay men will like you using them.

Stonewall happened. In some parts of the world, gay men and gay women can get married, but they are still discriminated against even in those so called "privileged" countries. We only won stonewall because many straight/bi people, which outnumber gay people, agreed to solve the problem with us. Without many of the straight/bi people agreeing to make laws to let gay people be, we would never win stonewall.

The only way for you to win, is to let the "trans" and TRAs go after the straight/bi men and women and to talk to straight/bi men and women for them see the issue with the the "trans".

But since most straight/bi men and women do not have a problem with "trans" people, we can never win this fight against the "trans" no matter how much you let them go after gay men. The thing is since most straight/bi people are against gay men and gay women, I am sure one day again they will try to ban gay marriage and attack gay men like what happens in muslim countries. Look at USA states right now banning abortion which we fought to make legal state by state. Who knows, since most humans are irrational, I am sure state by state will ban gay marriage and reverse what we did in stonewall too. This is a losing battle. By letting TRAs and "trans-identified" females go after gay men and not stopping them, you are opening the door for the enemies to go inside the spaces of gay men, attacking gay men, and tainting and contaminating them as well. You're making things worse.

[–]hufflepuff-poet 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Lol how are lesbians supposed to stop TRAs from invading gay male spaces?! We couldn't even keep them out of our own spaces 😭😭

[–]Peniless 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I know it's difficult cleans your tears with a tissue We couldn't stop them from invading our spaces because they have already broken down the walls and invaded them years before we could move to do so. In order to not let them invade gay men's spaces, for now I firmly debate TQs be it in my university or online. When TQs post on the subreddits such as r/askgaybros, etc, I debate them in hopes of perhaps even one TQ lurking in there changing their mind. We should be firm. We shouldn't be "friendly" with the "trans" and the TRAs, that's what got us into this mess in the first place.

The lesbians before us failed to protect our space because they didn't want to seem rude, impolite, or unfriendly. But this is it, we should be firm and take no shit when the "trans-identified" females, "trans-identified" males and TRAs speak to us, if we did that then any more boundary violations could have been decreased.

The help we can do for now is to not let the "trans" think they can just go in r/askgaybros, r/gaybros, r/askgaymen, etc and say whatever they want. To not let there be silence so they realize they can not go after gay men, because then they will be bombarded with us criticizing and defending gay men and gay women. As we do this, we should do the same to r/actuallesbians, etc. By getting into conversations with the "trans" there even if they ban us, they did ban me two times and both times I deleted my reddit account and started going in there again

[–]ChunkeeguyTeam T*RF Fuck Yeah 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

No one is using gay men. I AM a gay man. I disagree with you entirely. Already the original T, which is people with gender (sex) dysphoria, have had to create their own spaces to blockade the autogynephile transvestites and the 12 year old dimwits making up the gender uwu crowd. No one is LETTING the TRAs go after gay men. Straight women desperate to fuck gay men have always been there. It's just they now stupidly believe they will be able to do it by claiming to be male. But gay men are not conditioned by society to be compliant like women. They will not put with that shit. I will not put up with that shit.

[–]Peniless 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

As a woman I utterly disagree with you that women are "conditioned to be compliant", you're just removing all agency from women saying they are "brainwashed sheep" and that men only have all the agency and can think for themselves without society influencing them, hmm, no. Either according to determinism, everyone including all men are just conditioned by their environment to act in a certain way and have no "control" over anything or according to free will, everyone including all women can control everything and can think for themselves no matter how much society "conditions them" to act in a certain way

Also, people here are saying it's good the TRAs are going after gay men, that they should go after gay men, so they ARE letting TRAs and "trans-identified" females go after gay men because when they see a TRA or a "trans-identified" female invading the spaces of gay men, their first reaction is not to go stop them, it's to laugh it off and say, "well that will wake the gays up, let them go after gay men". They see the enemies, the "trans-identified" females and TRAs, knocking on the doors of the spaces of gay men and asking to be let in. They see them going after gay men. And they open the door for them to get inside instead of fighting with them and not letting them inside because they say "when they go after gay men, and make gay men miserable and uncomfortable, then gay men will help me". They are using gay men. It doesn't matter that you and other gay men are "aggressive brutes", gay men should not be forced to help, they should not be used, they should only help willingly.

[–]ChunkeeguyTeam T*RF Fuck Yeah 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Reposted due to use of a naught word.

Of course I'm not saying women are brainwashed sheep, or anything similar. Women themselves agree that they are raised as young girls to be compliant, to be kind, not to make waves. That doesn't mean they all end up taking that path but you only need to look at the JustNo subs on Reddit to see how hard a large number of women find it to stand up for themselves and to say "no" without feeling bad or guilty. It's not for no reason that /r/actuallesbians is now infested with men. One of the most painful reads I've had on Reddit was a young lesbian upset that she just couldn't get used to dick. I can assure you no gay man would be saying the same thing about vagina. It's not because women are "the weak sex" or any such bullshit. It's lifelong conditioning by society.

I can assure you I am no brute of any kind. I can also assure you that I'm fighting against trans-identified females in gay men's spaces but the only way to do that is to win more people to your side and one way of doing that is showing that the transman emperor has no clothes.

[–]oofreesouloo⚡super lesbian⚡ 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm a lesbian, and I totally agree with you and where you're coming from. Besides what you said, I would say there are much more straight or bi women wanting to be ~queer and special~ and identifying as "bi lesbian" or even lesbian or some sort of non sense that contributed to this lesbian erasure (whereas you don't see the same with straight or bi men). These self proclaimed "woke enlighted" women shame actual homossexual females, aka lesbians and you don't see straight or bi men doing this to gay men. With that being said, in no way do I wish any bad to my fellow gay brothers. In fact, how I wished none of this was happening to none of us. It's not fair to lesbians and it's not fair to gay men. But I think there are plenty of gay men who were totally unaware of the situation because it was not happening to them and now this might wake up many of them and make them "do something". I'm totally agreeing with you, just adding to the conversation. Best wishes.

[–]Peniless 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I can see your using other gay men as a device to reach your own goal lead to a very devastating result. The emperor without clothes did not go into everyone's space telling them there is something wrong with those who say he has no clothes. The TRAs and "trans-identified" females invading the spaces of gay men tell gay men there is something wrong with them for not being interested in a vagina, that they should be interested in vaginas, followed by guilt-tripping. Gay men are oppressed in every corner as it is. Not stopping the "trans-identified" females from invading their spaces and telling them "a neopenis is a penis you trans-phobe" lead to the abusing of the already abused and discriminated against gay men. The number of depressed gay men will sky-rocket.

You are an optimist, you believe by letting the "trans-identified" females in gay men's spaces, more gay men will wake up to help you and as a result you can "win" the battle. Leaving aside the fact that it is abhorrent to make gay men miserable and use gay men as a device to reach the goal of winning against the "trans", the assumption that gay men will wake up and help you rests on yet another assumption that humans are rational and wake up when a ridiculous idea is presented to them.

Most humans are irrational though. And if we take optimism apart and we just work analytically with most humans, we see the "trans" ideology is a religion much like any other religion. Did we atheists successfully win the battle against the Abrahamists? No we didn't. The muslims and christians have successfully brainwashed at least 4 billion out of the 7 billion humans with their belief in their imaginary "god", I have never had a debate with a christian, muslim or jew who got convinced they were wrong.

Does showing the ridiculous belief in the "god" of Abrahamic religions to undecided people make them wake up and reach the logical position of atheism? I have only seen the opposite, when a christian or a muslim talks on and on about their ridiculous beliefs, more and more people believe them.

If that wasn't the case, we wouldn't have at least 4 billion humans believing in the imaginary "god" of Abrahamic religions.

The trans ideology is also as ridiculous as the Abrahamic religions. The more "trans-identified" females and TRAs go after gay men, the more gay men will believe their lies, and the more you will lose the number of gay men who are not tainted and dirtied by the trans and TRAs right now.

Why? Because if you tell a lie such as the lie that the naked emperor actually has invisible spiritual clothes on that the non-believers can not see because a "god" is making the clothes be invisible to test them or a lie such as the "trans" beliefs that "a neopenis is a penis, a trans man is a man/male, sex is a spectrum and can change", etc and keep repeating the lie, most humans are so irrational they will eventually come to believe it.

This phenomenon, which is pervasive in politics and religion is known as the “illusory truth effect.” =

The illusory truth effect shows even men and women who know a truth (e.g. sex can not change, sex is not a spectrum, a neopenis is not a penis, a trans man is not a man) will be persuaded to believe in the false (e.g. sex can change, sex is a spectrum, a neopenis is a penis, a trans man is a man) through the repetition of the falsehood

Thus it is best to stop "trans-identified" females and TRAs from going after gay men and talking to them about their "trans" beliefs, so that at least one group (gay men) doesn't get tainted by the TRAs, so that at least one group is left clean.

By having studied the brain, we can know with reasonable certainty what humans think and how humans behave. Your plan will back fire, I know with reasonable certainty that gay men will not wake up and most of them will believe the "trans" ideology as more and more "trans-identified" females and TRAs go after them because of the repeated exposure to the "trans" beliefs. We will lose, but in the most embarrassing way, by gay men's spaces also having been tainted and contaminated by the "trans-identified" females and TRAs.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]automoderatorHuman-Exclusionary Radical Overlord[M] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

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    [–]xanditAGAB (Assigned Gay at Birth) 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    in what way?