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[–]persistentlywoman 10 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

don’t fucking lecture a total stranger you know NOTHING about her or her family. what is WRONG with you? where’s your compassion and empathy?? why can’t you just let a woman speak her experience without having to tell her she’s wrong for what she identifies as part of it? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? honestly, this was such a nasty and condescending way to reply to me sharing a personal experience and really fucking presumptuous to boot. I grasp the situation just fine. I focused on the elements relevant to my anecdote. I didn’t need to also detail what I witness being inhibited in my nephew to prove to some internet stranger I “get it” sufficiently to focus on what misogyny and sexism does to girls. being snooty on the internet doesn’t make you a superior person. THIS ISNT A DEBATE SUB. have some respect for other women and try not to assume too much about what we think feel know or experience just because I didn’t add a fucking zillion caveats to my post. let women express our distress and trauma without detailing it.

also stay invested in the myth girls don’t have it harder... like denying reality helps anyone. male privilege still be very real.

edited to remove excessive swearing.