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[–]Kai_Decadence[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah I think after this I'm definitely not gonna be talking about this kinda stuff with him anymore because it's obvious he just doesn't agree with me and probably never will. As far as I'm concerned, I think the reason why he can't understand is because this kinda stuff doesn't affect his life. He's not a Gender nonconforming gay man neither (he's gay but he's also somewhat conforming to masculinity) so he won't understand why someone like me feels the way I feel about this kinda thing.

Why do you so desperately need him to understand you?

It's not so much that I think he has to agree with me on everything. It's just that HE was the one who asked me about why I "misgender" people like Blaire White (And Kat Blaque) and so I gave him an explanation which I thought made sense.

Sometimes siblings simply demand that their brothers or sisters "obey" them in a hierarchical sense and will refuse to listen to any arguments made by their "inferior" siblings.

This is most likely true with us as well. I mean I'll be honest. He is a little more further than I am. I was always the shy, introverted one who struggled making friends growing up while he was the extroverted, social one who made friends easily. Where we are now, he is the one who has a stable relationship with his boyfriend while having next to no problem finding guys to date while I myself have never been in a relationship ever and most guys don't find me attractive because of my gender nonconformity. And because of my Autism & Social anxiety, I haven't been able to progress in my job while he was able to advance and become a manager at his job. And finally because our parents clearly like him more than they like me (I know this because they always speak highly of him but don't think much of me and do take issue with me being gender nonconforming). So yeah, you're most likely right that he does think he's above me and so for that, will think that my views are ridiculous and make no sense.

But yeah, this is definitely the last time I'll be talking this stuff with him. The reason why it came up in the first place was because he brought up the Blaire white controversy where Blaire lied about that one athlete and how he's been losing subscribers ever since and he just got angry at me because I kept using "he/him" pronouns on Blaire. But anyway yeah next time he tries to bring him up again, I'm just gonna have to say "I really don't want to talk about this", it's for the best.