all 15 comments

[–]WildApples 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Samantha Lux stated around the 10 minute mark that the surgery does not allow for pregnancy to occur in TIMS... unless you have a uterus transplant! Firstly, I am not sure if Lux understands the necessity of ovaries for pregnancy.

This is the second time now I have seen reference to uterus transplants from TRAs. So effing creepy that there are TRAs contemplating literally taking a woman's body part and grafting it in themselves to feel more feminine! What the hell? Male bodies are not designed to carry and birth children. Even if you could transplant a uterus and a fertilized embryo into a TIM, their biologically male body still would not be ready to support pregnancy. I hope no scientists are wasting resources and effort on such a vain, creepy, and narcissistic endeavor, but I am truly scared to google it.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not directly against it because it seems like it could be learned from, but you're right that it's very far off. It's not going to be plausible for a male body to carry a pregnancy for a long, long time.

Edit: Did the google for you. Uterus transplants from one female body to another female body are possible and the transplanted uterus can carry a child to term. So far, a uterus transplant from a female body to a male body has not been carried out, nor has an ovarian transplant from a female body to a male body.

[–]Kai_Decadence 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

Oh I'm aware of this person. He's the next big thing since Blaire White only he's on the opposite end as I think he's more on the left? Either way I have refused to watch any of his videos because I'm at a stage now where I just cannot sit through the typical videos made by these men because of their forced, fake voices. Despite all this, I will definitely give Vanessa Vokey a watch because it's nice to see more women coming out and setting the record straight.

EDIT: Just finished watching and all I can say is bravo to this woman. She didn't hold back and just told it like it is. But watching this just made me wish that Magdalen Berns was still here to see the impact she left on so many women starting to speak up and fight back against this chaos. So many great channels fighting back have come out since her days like this young woman, You're Kiddin' Right, Radical Responses, Not the Fun Kind, and Gender Critiques to name a few. Just wish she was around to see that she really did make a difference.

[–]lefterfield 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Even by trans standards, Lux is a radical looney. I can't stand his videos because of how chock-full of nonsense and disregard for science all of them are. He makes no allowance for reasonable arguments. Basically a walking stereotype of everything wrong with the gender cult.

[–]SnowAssMan[S] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

He does seem more delusional than the average, maybe because of how young he is?

[–]Kai_Decadence 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think you're right. If I remember correctly, Lux is not even 25 yet, I think he's 21 or 22 currently and it's the wide-eyed naivety that these people can have when they get sucked into the trans cult at an early age. Give him 10 or 15 years and let's see if he still feels that essentially butchering his body was the best thing for him. I'm already waiting for that to happen with Jazz Jennings who went in even blinder than guys like Lux.

[–]Kai_Decadence 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah after watching that response video and listening to all that he said about that was pretty much summed up as transitioning was amazing and that the criticisms and concerns it gets are overblown which is not only a stupid thing to say but also dangerous. I'm glad that Vanessa put in clips to show how he was lying about some of the things he was saying from some of his previous videos that created contradictions. And how he was so quick to disregard Detransitioners by saying they were irrelevant when it comes to transgender ideology was disgusting.

[–]SnowAssMan[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I was wondering why Vanessa decided to make a video on Lux, I guess it's because he is the next up & coming one, as you say? Personally, I don't find Lux as offensive as some others on Youtube. I find that the homosexual ones don't offend me as much though in general. There are others that have a more MRA approach & are more targeted anti-feminists who I think are more deliberately & relentlessly hostile to feminism. You can usually find them by doing a search for 'TERF'.

Magdalen Berns is certainly missed. I think Arielle Scarcella is doing a good job of simply bringing some common sense to a mainstream audience, even though she is in no way radical.

[–]Kai_Decadence 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think I take just as much issue with HSTS as I do with AGPs because I myself am a feminine man (who looks feminine as well) and I see just how unfortunate and dangerous it is for other gay men like myself to fall into this trap of thinking that just because on average, HSTS don't typically harass women the way that AGPs do, it makes them closer to being "true trans" when it's just as ridiculous. And Lux in that video was not being honest about how his life turned out after transition which was why Vanessa put in some of his old clips from previous videos he made that showed a much more bleak and depressing light on the severity of his situation. And I think Vanessa made the video on him because she was genuinely annoyed at a lot of the claims he made in that video as well as caught onto certain contradictions he made in it.

Yeah I suppose Arielle Scarcella is doing alright trying to bring common sense but she loses me when she thinks that there are "True Trans" people when there isn't. It doesn't matter if there are some pleasant trans-identified people who don't try to bulldoze over people, the concept and ideology is still ridiculous and is rooted in fantasy and wishful thinking. I honestly think that Karen from "You're Kiddin' Right?" is pretty much Magdalen 2.0 minus her not being a Lesbian, she still fights for Lesbians and she is just blunt and to the point when addressing this nonsense.

[–]MarkTwainiac 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Personally, I don't find Lux as offensive as some others on Youtube. I find that the homosexual ones don't offend me as much though in general. There are others that have a more MRA approach & are more targeted anti-feminists who I think are more deliberately & relentlessly hostile to feminism.

I wonder if part of the reason you don't find homosexual TIMs as offensive as others because you yourself are male - and from your post history, presumably a homosexual male at that. As a woman, I find the way Lux and many other gay TIMs caricature women, as well as their narcissism and entitlement, to be extremely offensive.

Also, you seem to be suggesting that gay TIMs aren't, or are far less likely to be, "deliberately & relentlessly hostile to feminism" than straight TIMs. But I don't believe that to be the case. Many gay men, TIMs or not, are unfortunately just as misogynistic & male supremacist as their heterosexual MRA brethren. Especially nowadays.

[–]SnowAssMan[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I just mean there are channels run by trans-womxyn that are dedicated to anti-feminist content. I don't detect any malice in Lux. He doesn't seem to go out of his way to target feminists. He just seems like a wide-eyed victim of the delusional time period he lives in.

No, I don't find any kinship with Lux via supposed shared sexual orientation, especially since we don't have that in common. I just noticed that the worst offenders tend to be the heterosexual ones. We should probably go back to distinguishing between them based on orientation, like Blanchard did. It's only ever the heterosexual ones that commit crimes against women, as far as I know.

[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wasn't suggesting that you find kinship with Lux based on sexual orientation alone, or coz of what I was supposing to be your sexual orientation either. BTW, sorry if I got your sexual orientation wrong. From other threads, I got the impression you are a gay man.

I meant that as a man, I thought maybe you might be less likely to take offense at the way males like Lux caricature women coz it's not your sex he's impersonating and making a mockery of; it's not your spaces and sports he and other men like him are horning in on and appropriating; and it's not your rights that he and other men like him are trying to roll back or remove entirely.

And I raised the issue of whether you might also be a gay man coz I've noticed that whilst most gay men are sexually rejecting of males like Lux, Blaire White and Gigi Gorgeous - as well as of gay males they see as "effeminate" but who don't ID as trans - gay males tend to view these other gay males sympathetically and think they are harmless, soft, fluffy kittenlike creatures who should be allowed into women's spaces coz they're not likely to rape or assault girls and women there. And coz many gay men don't want these other gay men who desire to be women in male spaces, especially not in the bath houses, sex clubs, gyms and other places where gay men traditionally have gone to hook up.

I don't detect any malice in Lux. He doesn't seem to go out of his way to target feminists.

It's only ever the heterosexual ones that commit crimes against women, as far as I know

But that's a low bar - or high standard - to set. Fact is, TIMs don't have to be full of malice, go out of their way to target feminists, or commit crimes against women to do a lot of harm to women and girls.

US track athletes Cece Telfer, Andraya Yearwood and Terry Miller are all gay TIMs who by deciding to compete in female sports have taken away many medals, awards and opportunities from female athletes. They've also said the reason they've trounced the female athletes they've competed with is coz girls and women don't try hard enough and are too lazy to train better. They've also slurred every girl and woman who objects to males competing in sports as "bigots," haters and phobes. Telfer has also suggested that all the women he competed with in the NCAA finals were cheating by taking T and said "they're the ones who should be checked" for doping violations and for only pretending to be women.

What these gay TIM athletes have done was motivated by selfishness, not malice, and it wasn't criminal, either. But IMO it sure has harmed girls and women in the US and put us on the back foot having to fight all over again for rights we only obtained starting in the 1970s after the passage of US Title IX - which took many years to be implemented and only started leading to a measure of parity in American scholastic sports during the 1980s.

Munroe Bergdorf, a gay TIM, has slurred women as "hairy lezzers" and for being "barren." As leader of the UK women's march a couple of years ago, Bergdorf also decreed that women shouldn't be allowed to talk about our bodies or center or even mention women's reproductive rights in our politics coz it's "exclusionary" of males like him. Bergdorf has also given hectoring speeches and press interviews where he's slagged off the female population as he's explained "how women have got feminism wrong."

Shon Fay, another British gay man, has told women "enjoy your erasure."

Many gay TIMs on Twitter have sent menacing messages to women like JK Rowling saying "suck my girl dick" and "STFU, TERF" and they've also sent dick pics, and threatened JKR and other women with death, disemboweling, rape, forced breeding, torture and other forms of violence.

A gay TIM in the UK with a law degree and convictions for assault, sexual assault and multiple counts of fraud has filed many lawsuits and lodged police complaints against many women for saying things on social media that he's found offensive. He even managed to get one woman - a breastfeeding mum - arrested, handcuffed, carted off to the police station and thrown in a jail cell for 7 hours for calling him "a pig in a wig." This lovely fella - who's built like a proverbial brick outhouse and once beat another man with a golf club (an iron too) cyber-stalked, doxxed and showed up at the door of another woman to menace and intimidate her. His behavior isn't criminal, and he seems motivated by entitlement, envy, narcissistic rage, moral superiority and a sense of righteousness as much or more than just malice.

When I was visibly pregnant in the early 1990s, I was repeatedly sexually harassed by a gay male transvestite street prostitute/hustler in my nabe in NYC. (Today, he'd be known as a "trans" or a "transwoman," but back then the word everyone used was just plain transvestite, as "transgender" hadn't been invented yet and "gender" was not yet commonly used as a substitute for "sex" the way it came to be in the three decades since.) He would scream disgusting abuse at me for daring to be pregnant in public. He seemed motivated by jealousy (I think he had the hots for my partner), womb envy, covetousness and competitiveness. My being pregnant was proof that I had a female body that could do things his male body couldn't, and also that a man I think he found very attractive had chosen to have sex with me rather than with him.

Also in the 1990s, a group of gay male transvestite sex workers tried to shut down the female-only gym I belonged to. They'd make very ugly scenes at the reception desk, verbally abuse female gym members as we entered and exited the building, use their much larger bodies and more aggressive personalities to intimidate us all, and even screamed at the little children in strollers that moms were bringing to the gym during the hours there was childcare. Many women who'd been going to that gym for years became so fearful and uncomfortable that they stopped going, or went less often.

I don't think that TIMs like Lux, Blaire White and Rose of Dawn will assault, rape or sexually harass girls and women in changing rooms, loos and other facilities meant for female people. But many girls and women still don't want to have to get undressed with males like them looking on and checking us out with their curious, covetous eyes. And we also don't want to have to have to deal with them in our midst in ladies loos as we attend to our intimate bodily needs with our trousers/undies around our ankles - or as we stand at the sink washing blood off our hands and clothes, leaked breast milk from our blouses and shirts, or amnio fluid or blood that's dripped down our legs and onto our shoes. Nor do we want them there when we have to use the toilet with the stall door open coz we have a small child or two in tow and need to keep an eye on the stroller or pram that can't fit into the stall.

You initially said

Personally, I don't find Lux as offensive as some others on Youtube. I find that the homosexual ones don't offend me as much though in general.

And now you say

He just seems like a wide-eyed victim of the delusional time period he lives in.

But the issue here isn't really whether guys like Lux offend you or any other male. It's about the impact of such men on girls and women and on our rights, dignity, privacy and peace of mind.

Also, a lot of harm and damage has been done over the course of history by people who are "wide-eyed" as well as "victims." Many people who are incredibly abusive towards others, or just oblivious to other people's needs and rights, naively believe they are only doing what's best and that they are on "the right side of history." Most sex offenders, serial killers, child abusers and so on have been victimized in their own lives. And most narcissists were emotionally abused themselves.

TIMs don't need to have malice in their hearts nor to commit crimes against women to be an affront to girls and women's dignity and to impinge upon our privacy, our rights, and our sense of feeling safe and at home in the world and in the spaces meant for female people only that generations of women built and campaigned for.

[–]GConly 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

She's right about the mental maturity kicking in about the mid twenties. For women it's a couple of years earlier than men because our puberty starts earlier.

[–]SweetBabyCheeses 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This concept is so dumb. It comes with a complete misunderstanding of what HRT is. The replacement doesn’t actually mean “will magically replace your body into that of a fully functioning woman”. It just means it replaces SOME of the hormones missing in WOMEN who don’t make enough. If this had anything to do with fertility then it’s would be used as a female fertility treatment! For the women who need it, eg menopausal women and those with low oestrogen following chemo for example, it still can’t make them fertile again. And even then it’s only enough to alleviate the symptoms (although it comes with its own side effects).

[–]Kai_Decadence 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Edit: Oh man the dislike ratio on that video... It's not surprising that the trans cult zeroed in on the video and are bombarding her with hate comments. I love how most of them are not even addressing ANY of the points Vanessa said. It's mostly "You're just mad that he's prettier than you" or just anything that has to do with superficial looks. Talk about mad coping.