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[–]kwallio 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I didn't read the article. But I would say that a post mortem study of a very small number of people doesn't prove much. Also, I would say that brains are plastic and changeable - there was a study of cab drivers that showed they all had changes in the brains in the area of spatial memory. To me any study that looks at brains is sort of a side show, a person in a male body can't be a woman no matter what the brain looks like. I kind of doubt that a brain scan can differentiate with any accuracy between a pre-everything transwoman, post-transition trans woman, heterosexual woman, gay men, pre-everything trans men, lesbian women, etc. These studies of trans women after they've transitioned are sort of reasoning backwards - they're trying to find a difference in a group thats already been identified. This is not normally how science is done.

Then there is the issue with the idea that no one needs to transition in order to be considered trans. Why are they looking at transwomen who have transitioned? Isn't that ~transphobic? None of the trans rhetoric makes any kind of damn sense, you're just supposed to accept whatever BS gets thrown out uncritically.