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[–]cinnaflo 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Transgenderism is unnatural because gender is a social construct and hating your body to the point of wanting to chop parts of it off is a mental disorder. You need to remember that right wing people don’t like transgenderism for reasons different from ours. Their arguments range from their Christian beliefs (“God doesn’t make mistakes/Mutilating your body is an act against God” to traditional sexism, “women are supposed to like feminine things, men are supposed to want to be masculine”). Of course there are some reasons that overlap with gender critical ideas like “people being GNC doesn’t make them the opposite sex”. But that doesn’t make radical feminism right wing, not one bit.

Currently within the trans movement, there are tucutes and transmeds, both of which hate each other, but both are for transgenderism for different reasons. Tucutes think being GNC, women wanting to be masculine and men wanting to be feminine is all it takes to make someone trans/non-binary. That there’s no need for gender dysphoria, and that as long as you get ””gender euphoria”” for being GNC, you are trans. It’s stupid as hell. Transmeds argue that you need gender dysphoria to be trans. These people, I believe have some kind of mental disorder (and I don’t mean that as an insult, I mean that these people actually need serious attention and care). If you are a bio female, and you feel like you should have a male body, a penis instead, and wish to remove your breasts, then you are trans. They also believe in sexist gender roles the same way that tucutes do, such as playing barbie dolls as a young boy makes you a girl inside, and having stereotypical “boy hobbies” as a girl makes you a boy inside. Transmeds argue that you actually have to want to go through surgeries and have a desire to pass to be trans. For tucutes, transgenderism is a purely a cosmetic thing, while for transmeds, it’s about getting rid of gender dysphoria (a mental disorder).