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[–]MinisterOfTerfery 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't know, I would have to experience living in other places to be able to accurately answer that question. Just from the outside, the US seems to suck for everyone, regardless of your sex really.

I think what you say here: "that’s a small issue compared to the things above but it’s threatening to remove practically all our hard-won rights" contradicts itself. How is removing all our hard won rights a small issue? I would argue that's it's the biggest issue of all and it's only getting worse with UK rugby recently allowed trans women to compete in women's categories.

I am in the UK and I got more hopeful after JKR spoke up, but I now see that TRA movement has money behind it and medicalizing children benefits big pharma. I believe it's going to get better eventually, but it will probably get much worse first and a lot of women, children, female athletes etc. are going to get hurt in the process.