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[–]BEB[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Abortion is not my personal reason for saying that Republicans hate women. I actually think (based on being alive for many decades) that most or many Republican voters who are against abortion are against it because they believe that the fetus is a child, and they feel they're saving a child's life. Republican politicians tend to be sociopaths, even more so than Democrats, so I don't think they care. I think that's one of the reasons the abortion issue will never be solved in the US - one side views laws against abortion as interference in a woman's choice, while the anti-abortion side thinks abortion is murder.

The Republicans in my lifetime actively tried to stop women from having even basic rights - the opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment came from the right. Republican economic policies are disastrous for women.

Republicans still believe that we should be wives and mothers first, which is great if that's your choice, but then they enact laws that make it almost impossible to live without two salaries. They also don't want to fund or set up an infrastructure for childcare - so where does that leave women?

The Republicans cut funding for education, which is often a way out of poverty for many, but especially for women.

The Democrats are neo-Liberals - they too are corrupt Fat Cats working for corporations and the 0.1%, but occasionally the Democrats will do something for the 99%

And the Democrats are much better on the environment, on food/air/water safety, on education, on healthcare, and on following the rule of law.

Mitch McConnell trying to strong arm a Supreme Court justice in during an election year when he denied Obama one is just one example of how corrupt the Republicans have become.

BTW: the abortion issue is one that has kept the Republicans alive. It used to be Guns, God and Gays that kept people voting GOP (abortion came under "God"). Now that there's widespread acceptance of gays, it's Guns, Immigration, Rioting and Trans.

I do think that some Republicans, mostly women, do genuinely care about the destruction of women's spaces and sports, but given that the Republicans have their own version of the Equality Act already in the US House of Representatives, the power players of the Republicans are also willing to sell women's down the river for Trans, Inc.

[–]jjdub7Gay Male Guest Commentator 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, as a gay man, I'll never need nor cause anyone else to need an abortion, so I have no opinion on it other than that such choices made by others are really none of my business (throwback to Roe v Wade)

then they enact laws that make it almost impossible to live without two salaries.

What do you mean? Can you give an example?

I'd tend to want to point out that taxation and housing (rent controls, along with the housing bubbles in left-leaning areas) policies from the left are what effectively cut a salary in half, but I realize the income trimming may very well be coming from both sides.

They also don't want to fund or set up an infrastructure for childcare - so where does that leave women?

Huh? Why should the govt be responsible for this? As it is the federal govt gives tax deductions for just having children and for childcare expenses. Should the federal govt be funding e.g. dog walking programs? For me, this would serve the same function as childcare for parents lol