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[–]MarkTwainiac 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Edit 2: Given the responses to this, I originally was going to respond but deleted my old post but I'm just going to step away from this. This isn't just about sports and if that's all you think it is then you fail to understand the gravity of your actions given how other posters in this thread have been ragging on PAIS-and in connection CAIS, while also others stating that Y = Male. If you fail to see where this is an issue, then there was no point engaging you to begin with and I don't know why I bothered.

But you haven't responded to/engaged with any of the many substantive points I and others have made in response to what you've said. We addressed specific issues you raised, and did so respectfully. Kindness and sympathy for your personal situation and that of other persons with DSDs has been expressed too.

You started out your earlier post by saying this thread is "disgusting," implying the posters - and "the lot of you who call yourselves gender critical" are too. That's a slur. Nobody has called you names. All the name-calling, censorious finger-wagging and attempts to shut down the convo by using shaming, blaming, special pleading and manipulative (and transparent) appeals to emotion, have come from you.

Now as a parting shot you deliberately chose to use a specific slur - ragging - that when used against female people has extremely misogynistic connotations. Employing a term that has historically been used against girls and women to mock and impugn us for menstruating, and to suggest that because we menstruate/have menstruated, then whatever we think and say must be irrational rubbish - well, that's surely a novel and telling way to prove your "womanly" bona fides! It's akin to when Trump responded to being challenged by journalist Megyn Kelly on TV in 2015 by saying "She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. In my opinion, she was off base."

This isn't just about sports and if that's all you think it is then you fail to understand the gravity of your actions...

But no one here thinks is "just about sports" - though even if it was "just about sports" it would still be a important to discuss what's going on. Coz though sports might seem trivial to some, sports are of central, primary importance to a majority of the human race, either as participants or fans. Sports constitutes one of the human race's major endeavors, interests, and industries/businesses. Which is why women fought so hard to get and build sports for our own sex.

As I've explained in one of my earlier responses to you several days ago:

The implications of the Semenya case go far beyond sports, because the arguments Team Semenya have used all along a) redefine what it means to be female, and b) say that in sports and all other contexts (such as access to sex-separated spaces and sex specific services, and eligibility for prizes and political positions based on sex) the only thing that matters is a person's legal and social "gender identity" and what his/her ID documents say, not which biological sex he or she is.

The Semenya case is not just about the issues of people with DSDs, it's about the basic human rights of female people. Female people make up 51% of the human race. And 100% of the human race through the entire course of history were grown in the wombs and came out of the bodies of female persons. The kind you find so "disgusting" for "ragging."

Sorry that you don't like what some of us female people say when we discuss human biology and the realities of our own bodies. But no matter how much you tell us to STFU, we're still going to speak.