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[–]msteacherlady 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is giving me flashbacks! My husbands friend, also a liberal, warned me about the funding behind the Woman's March when he learned I went, and my own father was the one who said to my mother and I, "Y'know, I heard you're not supposed to wear those hats because not everyone has a know." I knew those guys were reading some kooky shit, so how was I to know this was one of the things they could have been right on?

Meanwhile an old good friend has expressed to me over the phone with a quiver in his voice that he's willing to take collateral damage to prevent the killings. We've both been in situations where there may have been a killing (our own) if not for the intervention of the police, and his uncle is a sheriff so I'm just baffled in the short term by his behavior. But I can see the long con. My sister in law lives in a gated community with very few points of entry otherwise due to geography. Defund the police and they'll still have their private guard and everyone in that community is personally armed on top of that. She's not even the 1%! Those folks will be fine and the rest of us can just murder and sterilize ourselves as we fight over scraps and Louis Vuitton bags.