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[–]worried19[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It just upsets me more and more the longer I think about it. And yet it seems so under discussed. Even on GC, most of the discussion is about trans women. To be honest, what's happening to gender nonconforming girls is far more alarming to me than anything trans women are doing. We're talking about the lives of these little girls. And little boys, the boys are being medicalized too.

This is medical experimentation on children, and no one is allowed to question it without being labeled "the enemy." Even saying you don't feel like a middle school kid should be put on hormones is forbidden now. I feel like this should be a much bigger deal than it is. J.K. Rowling touched briefly on the topic, but I feel like almost no one is aware of what's happening to even the youngest of children. I hope there's a high-profile detransition sometime soon to call the public's attention to it.