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[–]crodish 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I feel bad admitting this but... I feel the same about the reverse, too. (GoFundMes for MtFtM and vice versa). Actually, like someone else said, I feel bad about any of these types of GoFundMes, because they're ultimately all selfish at their core, if the only beneficiary is the sole recipient. I'd rather donate to an organization that needs food and necessities for the underprivileged than someone needing a surgery or item that isn't life threatening. But the post-trans ones irk me a lot. Like... yeah, maybe it sucks that you were conned into the ideology, you were too young to know, everything, right? It also sucks for like, everyone else who had a shitty hand dealt to them. And probably 70% of them also have a GoFundMe up. Like... idk man this just turned into a rant about e-begging, I'm a salty broke lower class and the whole asking for money out of the goodness of peoples' hearts just rubs me the wrong way every time

[–]Criticalofgender[S] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

YES! THANK YOU! Broke pal here as well. I hate to admit it but, I've donated to organizations that don't apply to my ideology anymore, I should have donated to home shelters. What I want to say is that neoliberalism is such a bitch that money seems to be sent to the most selfish and individualistic issues instead to real important issues. As someone said before, people are suffering from really difficult backgrounds and we are wasting time and money on this shit. I hate identity ideologies man, we need to focus on the real world.