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[–][deleted] 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is probably the harshest post I'll make here (I hope). Because I believe it needs to be said.

This isn't just about women, it's about all the trans women and men out there who just want to live their lives in peace.

Get me back every minute, every tear, and every dollar I've spent mitigating the very real damage done by an adult trans family member who "just wanted to live life in peace" instead of getting their Axis II-ass into appropriate therapy so they could continue to function like a fucking adult instead of trying to enmesh and emotionally abuse the entire family to sustain their internet-therapist-aided AGP fantasies -- do that, and then I'll be in a space where I can sit down with tea and biscuits and entertain the corrupt and disingenuous notion that "TIMs just want to live their lives in peace."

This is a dangerous fantasy. I do know old-school transsexuals for whom that is true. I haven't yet met a "modern" TIM for whom it is true. And I'm not about to unlearn the years-long-lessons I've learned around this.

(edit for spelling)