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[–]msteacherlady 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I have a hard time acknowledging that "gender dysphoria" is real in the sense that there is no "self" that is inhabiting the "wrong body." I understand that people can experience intense discomfort with their bodies and pine for something so completely different to the point that they take drastic measures to alter their bodies. I suppose you could call this feeling "dysphoria", but it's not based in any reality. Someone who thinks they are literally born in the wrong body is practicing some kind of spirituality or religion. Even in some spiritual practices theres often talk of there being "no self". So, like, was the little Jessica soul looking down from heaven, and then jumped onto the slip-n-slide to little baby Jessica's body, hit a seagull on the way and then whoops! Landed in a Johnathan! Of course no one but the people talking to their furry headmates on tumblr would agree that this is what they literally believe, but I don't understand how one can otherwise claim that there's wrong bodies and wrong selves mismatched together.

It's dogma. It's a cute little platitude that makes open minded people feel sorry for them.