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[–]Moirawr 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Performative wokeness gets you clicks and money. There was an article the other day where a real estate company was going to change their usage of “master bedroom” to avoid the master/slave connotation. Something absolutely no one asked for or cared about. But now there’s an article about them and people are talking about it. If anyone is relying on a social media platform for revenue, I would not trust a word they say to be genuine. Couple years back when the bathroom narrative was stronger, a bunch of female celebrities came out saying they would be totally cool peeing next to men. It was disappointing, but it would’ve ruined their career to say otherwise, and if they’re silent they don’t get free exposure. It’s a shame though, since people who form their opinions based on celebrity opinions are bound to agree without thinking.

Internalized misogyny and cults affect even the smartest people. Hopefully she will be smart enough to wake up.