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[–]sleepyzero 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Can you explain how JP is a misogynist? Looking for education, thanks sister

[–]Shinjin_Nana 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well. TL;DR he holds misogynist views and writes about them to other misogynists.

When he writes about women he uses a lot of religious stuff like 'women are chaos' and 'men are order' dog whistle shit. He's DEEPLY patriarchal and hold biological essentialist views, like women belong in the home giving birth, and men are the head of the household, and in control of basically the world. He pretends that since mythologically 'women are chaos' that's simply THE WAY IT IS, and not men writing about women from a position of power.

He drones on about the goodness of men and how destructive women are (again the chaos theme) and that men, the creator gods of everything are currently 'over feminized' as if we need more manliness in the world.

He derides women for being able to say no and 'devastate' men. JP has made his money catering to incels and stroking their feelings of being the underdog because women have more independence don't need them or their shit anymore. He blames women not fucking men for men's violent acts and mass shootings.

I've sat through some blokes reading his 12 rules antidote to chaos (read: teh wimmins) book on youtube and yeah, JP is talking some he-man woman-hater bullshit.

The second and third replies are MUCH longer, and will help add more to what I've said:

And this one is fun and kind of tl;rds it better: