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[–]112223sps 122 insightful - 14 fun122 insightful - 13 fun123 insightful - 14 fun -  (1 child)

When did GC ever go around recruiting people? People found the sub because others would bring it up and tell everyone how awful it was, they'd get curious and check it out, then realize TRA's are liars. That's how I found it anyway, went to lol at the bigots but ended up staying because it actually made sense.

[–]kuronekochan 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't even remember how I stumbled on GenderCritical, GenderTrender, or even the internet writings of some old-school transexuals who were critical of the current iteration of transgenderism. It was so long ago GenderCritical had only 3000-ish subscribers. I've always been a very live and let live person. If transgender activists hadn't started pushing at and lying about women constantly, maybe I wouldn't have wasted my critical energies on them. Beyond that, I have always balanced my readings by going to directly to forums for transgender people and reading what they were posting, as well as reading articles written by trans activists. It's insane that people like me are accused of being narrow-minded when I remain open to hearing all perspectives, unlike those who use the thought-terminating cliche TERF.