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[–]112223sps 122 insightful - 14 fun122 insightful - 13 fun123 insightful - 14 fun -  (3 children)

When did GC ever go around recruiting people? People found the sub because others would bring it up and tell everyone how awful it was, they'd get curious and check it out, then realize TRA's are liars. That's how I found it anyway, went to lol at the bigots but ended up staying because it actually made sense.

[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]Complicated-Spirit 35 insightful - 5 fun35 insightful - 4 fun36 insightful - 5 fun -  (1 child)

    It really is interesting to look back on. I know in my case, I was just told that being "transphobic" was bad. If someone said that transwomen were not women, than it was my moral and social obligation to silence them. It really is something people just assume without thinking, because they're taught that. Looking back, there was really never any arguments as to why transgender ideology was correct; it just was - full stop. Only in GC and related gender critical and radfem groups, sites, and areas have I been able to find legitimate, well-thought out, reasonable arguments for how transgender ideology is more full of holes than Swiss cheese. Then when you compare it to whatever TRAs are saying, they're all just spouting threats, calling names, saying they're going to get you fired/canceled/exposed, that you deserve to be raped, killed, you should kys, you're a shit person, etc. They say "But science!" and you respond with, "Okay, what science?" and then either give you this really long-winded, self-referencing interpretation of a poorly-done study or simply say "Everyone knows science, I don't have to tell you". It's similar to how under brutal Communist regimes or in North Korea, you were/are allowed to be taught one version of reality: the Communist/Kim version. This was done in the hope that you simply would never become aware of any other way of thinking, or that it would never occur to you to question it. If and when you did so, the response by the authorities wasn't to sit down and have a reasonable discussion or friendly debate with you. It was to intimidate, silence, and suppress you. Other things I was taught, I was taught to reason out and understand: Why feminism? Why separation of church and state? Why anti-racism? This was all explained to me. Transgender ideology is never explained to you. It's just given to you, and you have to accept it or else.

    [–]Barber_Acrobatic 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    This. Absolutely this. It's become dogma, because any attempt to critical examine it exposes the absolute gaping flaws.