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[–]Lilith_Fair 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The mods had to take this sub out of /s/all in order to keep it women-centered. But I don't think that's a problem. I agree I feel better here because I finally feel like I can speak. Even in the GC sub, I always felt like the sub was being monitored by people who hated us. Crazies were always harassing GC posters with hate PMs, banning them from other subs. I was very reluctant to participate by posting for fear of being doxxed. Finally here I feel like I'm free again. And despite the co-existence of ring wingers, the site admins have been very patient and welcoming.

I have seen some crazy, nauseating antisemitic, homophobic posts on this site. But the stuff they say are so looney-tune, I don't see these fringes having any influence whatsoever in any serious way. So if they just want to talk crazy nonsense, whatever. I've had it up to here with Woke speech policing so if some fringes are ranting like lunatics, I'd just roll my eyes and pass by like I do when I see the same in real life on the streets. It really is not "literal violence". In a way, being able to be here even with their presence actually proves that the Wokes and TRAs are lying. Letting people speak--even if what they say is outrageous and repulsive--does not mean the end of the world.