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[–]LustyTweed 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I never posted on GC because I honestly do sometimes see people being anti-trans. Not just anti-autogynephile or pro-women's rights but genuinely saying that transsexual medial conditions don't exist. And I didn't see those people getting moderated. I do not agree with that, I think transsexual is a real thing and I think those affected by it deserve our empathy. But I followed GC, and I came here, because it's one of the only places I see that protects biological women's voices and ability to speak about their own experience. I've already been banned from posting today in a REALITY SHOW sub reddit because someone said GC believes that "gender is rigid and unchangeable", and I simply corrected that and said if you're going to criticize something you should be accurate about it.

A "real" trans person probably isn't any threat to us. In fact they probably aren't a part of the trans movement at all. They probably do have a difficult lived experienced and need protections from abuse and discrimination. I support that. But I am also a biologically sexed woman, I am not going to let someone tell me with a straight face that a biological sexed man isn't stronger than me because sex isn't real. That's fucking ridiculous.

I don't know if I'm "gender critical" I don't know if I'm "radical feminist". I just know that biology isn't some made up fairy tale - that I live in a reality where myself and almost every woman I know has been sexually harassed or assaulted by biological men. And the idea of being censored for stating that is some dystopian shit that doesn't need to be the new normal.

[–]HermioneGranger 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I agree with you, I didn't comment/post on GC but I did see anti-trans content on there. But no one was actually advocating for violence like several other subs. It was a place for women to express their opinions and criticism. People should know what they are criticizing.

My personal thoughts regarding gender theory are that:

  • gender dysphoria is real and being transgender or transexual is a real thing

  • one must have gender dysphoria and want to do HRT and SRS in order to be trans. I understand there are factors like $$, loss of fertility, effectiveness in the surgery that are reasons why a trans person wouldn't want to have bottom surgery.

  • Biological sex is real and binary. Intersex people have conditions that are anomalies in the bimodal sex spectrum. They have portions of the male and female anatomy. As a species, one's sex determines their role in reproduction. Only males and females can reproduce and have children.

  • trans men are trans men and trans women are trans women. Trans men are female while trans women are male.

  • Homosexual = attracted to the same sex. Heterosexual = attracted to the opposite sex. Bisexual = attracted to both sexes. Attraction based on gender needs to use different terminology like "queer," "gynosexual," "androsexual," and "pangender/pansexual." The concept of genital preferences is low-key homophobic

  • Refusing to date someone because they are trans is not transphobic. Refusing to date someone because they are bi is not biphobic.

  • About bathrooms. Before all these bathroom bills, trans people have probably used the bathroom of their choice. It makes sense for passing, post-op trans people to use the bathroom of their choice. I think concerns about "cis" men pretending to be trans are valid. My solution would be to have single doored gender-neutral bathrooms. Each "stall" would have a toilet and sink and not be connected to others. Or I think it makes sense to have bathrooms labeled for men, women, and gender neutral.

  • Trans people who have gone through puberty should not be able to compete in sports as their desired gender. There should be 4 categories for sports: women's men;s trans women's and trans men's.

  • Children should not be on puberty blockers or HRT or any form of SRS. They cannot consent to any of this until they are 18.

  • "They" is a general pronoun used to refer to multiple people or to someone you don't know the gender of.

  • I think sharing pronouns helps people with "foreign" or ambiguous names. I don't have a problem referring to people by their desired pronouns if they are "she" and "he", but I really feel that I am butchering the English language when I use "they" to refer to a singular person. Also, any other pronouns are kind of ridiculous. Misgendering someone is not committing violence.

  • The meaning of the word "transphobic" is devalued when people label "trans critical" behavior as transphobic. Also a lot of people on Twitter are going on about how "so and so is transphobic and LITERALLY KILLING trans people" or "X thinks trans people don't have the right to exist." I think those responses are often an over-reaction. They should target that response to actual transphobes

  • Being non-binary isn't being transgender. I think nb people are just gnc and need therapy.

  • Having same sex spaces is not transphobic

These are just off the top of my head. I think being gender critical doesn't make someone a radfem. Personally I am radfem-leaning and transmed-leaning

[–]LustyTweed 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with everything you wrote although I was under the impression we're not supposed to say "trans" here which is why I avoided using it. I would add that the worry about bathrooms isn't about just bathrooms, or even about actual transexual people, it's about autogynephiles and male predators taking advantage of female spaces. Something which men don't have to worry about the vast majority of the time which is what makes it a strong feminist issue.

I think it's important to advocate for actual Trans Rights, and medical research, and get away from this umbrella that groups other kind of gender non conforming people in with transexual people. Sex is NOT gender and I thought feminists and queer people have been fighting for that be normalized for the last... 70+ years? No person that isn't diagnosed by a thorough set of guidelines should be able to call themselves "trans" just because they want to. If someone with a penis is sexually assaulted they deserve the same empathy and protection as anyone else, but someone with a penis shouldn't be automatically allowed into female rape centers just on their word.

Life is cruel and uncaring and the hard truth is there is no way to make it "equal" for everyone, by the standards of transexuals who want to pass and be treated as women or men instead of trans women or trans men. If they want the social treatment they feel they need then sometimes they will have to address their transexual condition, they will have to name it and be categorized by it. Most of us can recognize that sucks for them, we can be empathetic and try to be as kind to them as is reasonable. But it's their reality, they can't expect the whole world to change the rules around a basic denial of reality. I assume a lot of them don't, and I feel bad for them that their voices are buried by perverts and narcissists.