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[–]BiologyIsReal 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Overall, I think it's a great development in the right direction, though I've some concerns:

  1. They've not explictly said "cross-sex" hormones will be reserved for research settings.

  2. The stuff with teens and "social transition". Even if they have included informed consent (and we all know how well that went), they've forgotten that plenty of this stuff envolves the participation of other people, who apparently have no say on this.

  3. The fact that it still uses ideological terms like "gender incongruence", which I guess is a result of them focusing on minors. And I think, it's about time to start rethinking this whole gender dysphoria stuff and its treatment from zero.

I'd like to say that I hope my country followed this, but I'd be lying. Honestly, I'm fed up, and not only about this issue. If we limited to change course just because developed countries like England or Sweden did, then it'd mean we didn't learned any lesson (and imo, they don't go far enough, anyway). I wan't my fellow country(wo)men stop copying whatever the West is doing and figure out this is all a big scam on their own. And Western countries trying to impose this stuff (along many others) on us can f*** off, sorry, not sorry.