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[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers 2 insightful - 10 fun2 insightful - 9 fun3 insightful - 10 fun -  (3 children)

Here are some examples of cis privilege:

  1. I can use public restrooms that match my gender without fear of verbal abuse, physical intimidation, or arrest

  2. I have the ability to walk through the world and generally blend-in, not being constantly stared or gawked at, whispered about, pointed at, or laughed at because of my gender expression.

  3. Strangers call me by the name I provide, and don’t ask what my “real name” [birth name] is and then assume that they have a right to call me by that name.

  4. I can reasonably assume that my ability to acquire a job, rent an apartment, or secure a loan will not be denied on the basis of my gender identity/expression.

  5. I have the ability to flirt, engage in courtship, or form a relationship and not fear that my biological status may be cause for rejection or attack, nor will it cause my partner to question their sexual orientation.

  6. If I end up in the emergency room, I do not have to worry that one gender will keep me from receiving appropriate treatment, or that all of my medical issues will be seen as a result of my gender.

  7. My identity is not considered a mental pathology (“gender identity disorder” in the DSM IV) by the psychological and medical establishments.

  8. People don't speculate that my gender identity is a result of abuse or trauma.

  9. I have the ability to not worry about being placed in a sex-segregated detention center, holding facility, jail or prison that is incongruent with my identity.

  10. I can easily find role models and mentors to emulate who share my identity.

  11. Hollywood accurately depicts people of my gender in films and television, and does not solely make my identity the focus of a dramatic storyline, or the punchline for a joke.

  12. I will not be harassed by the police or denied services at a bank or other institution because my legal sex does not match my gender presentation.

[–]wokuspokus[S] 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

What legal rights do they not have?

1) Just use the lav matching your sex. True oppression regarding this is not having a female facility, which some places are reverting to (male & neutral)

2) Not a legal right, also applies to women, disabled people.

3)Not a legal right- you can’t control peoples speech. Although it is very rude.

4)They literally can.

5)This has nothing to do with legal rights. Sexual attraction has the word SEX in it for a reason. Not disclosing trans status is coercive rape.

6) If you have medical issues, they should be treated in accordance with your sex. Not legal rights related.

7) How can wanting to take hormones and take risky surgery/ cut off healthy body parts not be a mental health issue? Tbh I think the stigma around MH generally is probably a bigger issue than this classification. It’s okay not to be okay. Not a legal rights issue.

8) Anyone with any ‘issues’ post trauma has this. Nothing to do with legal rights.

9)You get placed with your SEX. To put men in with women, regardless of how they identify, puts women at risk. Not to mention how easy it is for men (not trans) to claim they are trans and have women at their mercy. And it’s happening, check out #thisneverhappens. This is nothing to do with trans people either, it’s just men taking advantage. Your feelings do not supersede women’s rights. How dare you even suggest this!

10) This has nothing to do with legal rights.

11) Women, black people etc.

12)Fairly sure this isn’t true. Having to clarify trans status isn’t infringing on your human rights.

So, I ask again, what RIGHTS do trans people not have?

[–]GenderbenderShe/her/hers 1 insightful - 7 fun1 insightful - 6 fun2 insightful - 7 fun -  (1 child)

  1. Males shouldn't have their own facilities either. Just make all facilities gender neutral.

  2. True.

  3. True.

  4. There are numerous instances where trans people are fired for coming out.

  5. That's not the legal definition of rape.

  6. I agree. Many trans people though experience discomfort with the bodies they were born in, so health care professionals need to be sensitive when asking questions. For instance, "what is your sex assigned at birth?" The problem is many GCs are offended in how we would like to go about it. Just look at this thread Taking a stand: I told my gynecologist to take "transgender" off of sex options. My health insurance company has options for male, female, and transgender man/woman/ I don't see a problem with it on the gyno forms. Then they complain about how doctors miss sex-specific health issues in trans people. I know this off topic, but trans people want to improve health care for trans people. GC doesn't like the way they go about it.

  7. Taking hormones to appear another sex or removing breasts is not the same as chopping off an arm. Is getting a nose job a mental illness? Cis men live without large breasts so they are not essential, and people have beards so creating a beard is also OK. I am mentally ill myself and do agree there is a stigma around mental health. But wanting to physically transition doesn't necessarily equal a mental health issue.

  8. People also speculate people become gay due to childhood sexual abuse or trauma. Is that not homophobic?

  9. #thisneverhappens is about documenting trans criminals. Cis people commit crimes too.

  10. True but pop culture influences how society thinks. As a disabled person I would have loved to have an openly disabled celebrity in my teen years so the stigma against disability can be lessened.

  11. You are correct, but cis identities are depicted accurately.

  12. What if the person doesn't believe you are trans or is transphobic?

[–]strictly 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You are correct, but cis identities are depicted accurately.

If non-trans people are depicted as all being "cis" then they are obviously not depicted accurately, and it's leads to non-trans people being misgendered in masse with false gender identities, especially by trans activists. being falsely depicted as having a false gender identity is not privilege, it's something that makes people feel bad. Only people who indeed say they have gender identities should be seen as having gender identities.