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[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

awwww I love this! 😊 Asking the important questions here, I see! I had to look up flaming--is that insults and such? I like light banter, but not a fan of being mean, I was the kid who cried at everything lol. I'm a conceptual abstract artist and performance artist, plus I do marketing and operations work for a local gallery. The last thing I made was drawing of a penis as part of a series I'm working on, nothing extraordinary. Does typing the word "fuck" count? I live by myself and can go days without uttering a verbal word, but if I'm typing, hoooo doggies, I'm probably at a solid...12. What about you, Houseplant? Wie geht's? I'm curious to learn about you! 🙂

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex[S] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Omg I started learning German a week ago!

I’m a snark monster but I don’t like flat out insulting people. Made an effort to replace insults in my vocab with less nasty terms like goblin or porkchop, mostly because it’s funny imo.

I work in an antique store doing paperwork and visual merchandising (with an essential tremor lmao)so I probably drop about 30 ‘ah fuck!’ Per day. Every fumble seems to get one but sometimes you’re fumbling a $200 cup. Dunno how I’d ever cope facing customers.

I love art, all of it! Hope I see something from your work one day! (I’d ask but I don’t like the risk you’d have putting your work to your online name here) What’s it like working at a gallery?

Haha that’s a great answer for last thing made. Mines a thread painting of the evil eye and wildflowers.

[–]loveSloaneDebate King 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Every time you call someone “pork chop” I laugh out loud. I never expect it so it gets me laughing every time

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I took two years of German in high school, but my passion is French, which is ongoing :) How are you enjoying it? It's certainly fun to be a bit light and playful, I like to joke with my closest friends all the time (wanna steal goblin and porkchop btw). Totally get the "ah fuck!" response, I would be the same exact way in your shoes. "ferfuck'ssake" is just delightful when you stub your toe from wandering around in the dark at night trying to get a glass of water. I dare say it's emboldening! I love talking about art and viewing it with others, it's a way to indirectly get to know people, I think! I would totally share something if it wouldn't give me away. Maybe I'll share "the almighty penis" (title pending) one day. I love working around art and with it and meeting artists, it's fun if unstructured. Never boring!

Had to look up thread painting and my gosh, WOW. That's impressive you work in that medium, it seems like it would really take dedication and precision. I can only imagine what your work looks like, though I feel the same about maintaining privacy. Such a shame. I'm sure it's beautiful, though 🙂 How do you like where you are in life? Someone asked me to imagine my 100th birthday and what that would look like, and honestly I'm not sure still. I'm very old, in a wheelchair, tired but sarcastic as ever. I must have some sort of family. What about you, what do you see?

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Germans been pretty fun to learn! Haven’t done any second language since highschool Indonesian. We have a rule for the nieces and nephews at Aunty houseplants house about toes and swearing! You get one swear if you smack a toe or elbow on something lol.

Thread painting is awful, fiddly, frustrating and ugh I love it so much. Currently doing a picture of a little girl pulling a head out of a garden bed. Gross and floral is really the whole entire wheelhouse.

I’m happy. I’m not particularly educated or successful but I’m happy and it’s enough. Coming from a place where I was agoraphobic, anorexic, and had no coping tools for late diagnosed ASD (bleh sob stories) im so satisfied with the small things. How about you? Hopefully you’re in a good spot in life as well.

100? I just imagine being a ghost and my sisters kids kids casually telling their friends when spooky stuff happens “yeah house is haunted. Just call the ghost a dickhead and it stops” don’t really believe in ghosts but still wanna be one lmao.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

"Gross and floral" ahhh this aesthetic is everything! I love it. Art-making is how I release my tensions and deepest feelings I can't vocalize or put to words, it sounds like that's maybe the case for you too.... suffering for art is requisite, of course.

I'm glad to hear you're happy! Even if I don't know you beyond this sub, I'd hope for the best and you seem like a lovely person. And coming from a place of lots of struggles all piled up, I truly feel for you and know how much that bit of peace can mean. It sounds like you've had a really hard life, just from that bit you've shared of yourself, and I'm just so sorry you had to struggle with all of that. It's beyond rotten, really. I revel and take pleasure in the small acts of life, too. Life isn't easy, and I'm by no means religious, but I used to think the saying that "life is suffering" was bleak and cruel, but at this very moment I can see a sort of beauty in that statement. Not meaning to be a downer or anything, but looking at life that way helps me 😊

bahahah being a pesky ghost would be sooo fun. Honestly. I like that you went with death lmao! Just goofing off and messing around, it's a noble ghostly venture!

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I dig the way you look at things. It’s easy to get caught up in the huge terrible things out there or that happen to us, and it might be silly but the little pleasures are what life’s all about. I see a horse it’s a good day.

Idk about a lovely person but I try haha. You’re seem pretty cool yourself. Definitely an interesting person!

Honestly as miserable as things have been I’m so lucky. I got treatment and had support and have never been a shocking or unusual case. Never been so grateful for mediocrity haha. Being able to come out the other side intact is basically winning a lottery.

It’s definitely influenced the things I make though! A definite focus on motifs involving bodies, decay, reclamation of nature, and detachment from the self. Love surrealist landscapes and cronenberg style distortion of a human form. Classical ballet in particular really fucks with me. Graceful and gory and so many opposites meeting up in a human body.

Been dreaming up a quilted Frankenstein coat made from sashiko shapes but it’s gonna take another six months just to collect the scraps in the colourway planned. Gonna be all sorts of shades of green, brown and purple like the leaf layer under a tree.

I went for dead cause tbh being 100 sounds like a nightmare. I wanna go when my hands or mind get weak.

It’s pretty nice to imagine a bunch of grandkids and great grandkids though. Some parts of getting old seem like a blast.