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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 5 fun1 insightful - 4 fun2 insightful - 5 fun -  (4 children)

Except heaps people who call themselves straight are sexually oriented towards both sexes. Everyone who calls themselves straight but would date males and transmen is not heterosexual by definition.

This is again you trying to dictate other people’s sexuality.

Would you prefer people correct them on their actual bisexuality or allow them their label and make another for the people who are heterosexual exclusively?

Again the presumption that they are wrong about their own sexuality but you know better than them.

I never identified my sex or orientation to you. You have also guessed incorrectly.

My mistake I guess. I thought you were the one who said they were “superstraight” and into men.

I called you homophobic for repeatedly saying that less straight is disgusting and an insult. Because it’s a homophobic sentiment.

Never said it was disgusting. I said you think trans people are so disgusting that associating with us brings someone down in the hierarchy of straightness, which again is being created by the “super” straight people themselves.

It had nothing to do with shaming trans people or those attracted to them.

They are literally saying that being attracted to trans people makes them less straight while creating a superior level of straightness. It is directly shaming people for being inclusive of trans people and it is wild that you are just denying that simple fact.

all without making anyone call themselves bisexual over their bisexuality

More telling other people what their sexualities are.

Keep victimising yourself when you see people have a sexuality you don’t like.

They didn’t need to create a hierarchy to shame people who are trans inclusive, but they did. This isn’t about them not being trans inclusive, but about them setting up a system to shame those that are.

Wont help anyone but you seem to enjoy feeling like people all over the world care so much about you personally that they seethe all day long.

Trans people are under greater legal attack now than in decades. Now that gay rights are a less popular target to attack by the general public conservatives are turning their aims to banning transition and making life as hard as possible for us. Mocking people who are accepting of us doesn’t help.

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

How is it dictating someone’s sexuality? Knowing words have meanings and people use words wrongly? Because that’s what didn’t happen with super straight. It did not correct people about their bisexuality labeled as straightness. Are you saying that naming a sexuality distinct from what mainstream Reddit users call straight is dictating someone’s sexuality? Fuckin how? Just another wilful misinterpretation on your part?

Under more attack than any one in the world but happy to waste time whinging about superstraight memes being oppression. Wow very urgent.Abortion is being banned in places but I’m sure some teenagers getting kicked off their highschool soccer team is the real threat.

There is no heirarchy other than the one you believe where not being super straight is an insult and disgusting. I’ve been telling you to do something about the homophobia you’re holding on to.

There was no mocking and unless you can prove there was you need to stop making up accusations and falsehoods to perpetuate your victim status.

So really, you’re mad because you claim any degree of homosexuality is disgusting and exclusively heterosexual people are displaying superiority by saying they do not experience any homosexuality. So the problem is yours, only in your mind, and caused by some interesting takes on homosexuality.

Way to go. You’ve shown exactly why superstraight/super gay/super lesbian was needed and have tacitly admitted that you cannot prove a single claim of hatred, bigotry, shaming, or disgust coming from the meme.

Unless you have some actual proof or something new to say, spare yourself the effort of rephrasing your one debunked argument and homophobic remarks. Youve already repeated them at least six times in the last few hours.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 6 fun1 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 6 fun -  (2 children)

How is it dictating someone’s sexuality?

You’re literally saying people are wrong about their own sexuality because you don’t like it.

Even in that paragraph you straight up say they are bi when they are straight. That’s exactly what I am talking about.

Under more attack than anyone in the world

Not what I said.

Abortion is being banned in places

So is transition. Alabama is likely going to make aiding a 17 year old with transition a felony. Then comes the next ban and the next. We are all scared because it’s going to get very bad very soon.

There is no heirarchy other than the one you believe where not being super straight is an insult and disgusting. I’ve been telling you to do something about the homophobia you’re holding on to.

It’s directly saying that they are more straight than straight people. The implication being trans inclusive makes you less straight. Telling someone else who they are attracted to is pretty shitty. Telling a straight guy that gw his less straight when he is exclusively attracted to natal women and trans women and has absolutely no attraction to men of any kind is pretty awful frankly.

So really, you’re mad because you claim any degree of homosexuality is disgusting

Again, not what I ever said.

Way to go. You’ve shown exactly why superstraight/super gay/super lesbian was needed and have tacitly admitted that you cannot prove a single claim of hatred, bigotry, shaming, or disgust coming from the meme.

It’s literally the point. Denigrating trans people is the point to them. Otherwise they would just call themselves straight. If you can’t at least admit the claims of being part of the lgbt community by “super straight” people are hateful you are just being willfully obtuse.

spare yourself the effort of rephrasing your one debunked argument

Saying you’ve debunked something doesn’t magically debunk it.

and homophobic remarks.

Calling me, who you would consider gay, homophobic is still absolute nonsense.

[–]HouseplantWomen who disagree with QT are a different sex 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Bruh...I nicely asked you to not repeat yourself and have a real argument instead. Quit wasting my time with your repetition and accusations.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Quit wasting my time with laughable denials. And don’t call me Bruh.