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[–]VioletRemihomosexual female (aka - lesbian) 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

So what are trans people [...] supposed to do from your standpoint?

Fight to get more unisex or specifically transgender bathrooms or crisis centers (most rape reliefs here are unisex, but divided into different sections, there are special female-only rape releafs for obvious reasons too - and if it is not obvious, I can show on example of my friend why). Homeless shelters here aren't existing outside of few biggest cities, and that is very sad thing, as I was homeless for 2 years, and it was really harsh.

We weren't here instantly too. It took women almost hundred years to get where we are now. Even my job was lacking place where I could change my menstruation cup cleanly, but I have achieved one to be built. I didn't took anyone's place, and you should not take ours. Personally I am gladly can fight for this cause side by side as I did with homosexual transsexuals in the past against homophobia, if it will not be impairing female's spaces and rights.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Do you see what I am saying on numbers?

Like look at the 160 number I have before. Can you justify to a business to install a trans bathroom for 160 people in the entire city? Of course not.

Or a rape crisis center? Or a homeless shelter? No way. Those are funded on pure donation and noone would give their money to a trans only resource over a men’s or women’s.

Like I work at one of the few places with a neutral restroom. I picked the gym in town that had one of the few neutral restrooms. But like if I only used neutral ones I wouldn’t be able to eat in a restaraunt. Or go to the movies. Or shop anywhere but target. I’d love more neutral spaces but it’s not a thing that can happen most places.

This is a tangent though. My point is grouping us with men is harmful and fails on every level. That’s my point.

[–]VioletRemihomosexual female (aka - lesbian) 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Like look at the 160 number I have before. Can you justify to a business to install a trans bathroom for 160 people in the entire city? Of course not.

I am not saying about entire city, just in decent distance from each other. And in my office only 4 women are working, yet bussiness installed toilet for us (in other building there like 50 women working, tho).

over a men’s or women’s.

As I said before, most of ours are unisex, but divided on sections, one for males, one for females, there sections for more vulnereable groups and even single rooms for ones who need it the most.

My point is grouping us with men is harmful and fails on every level.

On most levels grouping with males is more valid than grouping with females. Only on vulnureable part level it does not seems to be valid and is or can be harmful. However, it still has nothing to do with females. It does not mean that because someone else is harmed - females must be harmed too. It is just wrong.

And lets not forget that GNC and feminine gay men are in big danger as well (especially here, where rape of a man was not considered a rape for long time, and "if I fuch man and not he fucked me, then I am not gay, but only receiving one is gay" beliefs - which came from USSR prisons and army) - they are raped and attacked here much more often than transwomen (we have less than 1 killed transgender per year, and if transwoman is attacked, it is mostly because of homophobia too, as people here thinking similarly to Iran, transmen are attacked much more often than transwomen as well). In last years homophobia had a huge drop down, so maybe in few years I will be completely safe to be out, and for transgenders will be safer too, as they are mostly suffering here from homophobia only.