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[–]makesyoudownvote 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Here is my thing. I feel like everyone operates only on the extremes here. I think there are at least two valid points the people often called anti-semites raise.

  1. Israel is a fairly corrupt and dangerous country. They were given land that wasn't there and tend to oppress both Palestine and neighboring nations. They are overly militaristic and also get way too much financial support from the U.S., albeit much of this support has lead to great technologies for the U.S. and U.S. military so it's not all bad.

  2. Financial and entertainment industries are disproportionately run by Jewish people. This doesn't mean it's run by "the jews" or that there is a massive conspiracy, but much in the same way that CEO's of major companies are run by white males disproportionately it is of some concern and should be addressed. Again though this doesn't imply some massive conspiracy of white men, and similarly it doesn't imply a conspiracy of Jewish people.

But yeah the whole satanist thing, first of all, just no. I know plenty of actual satanists (Satanic Temple) and some of them are actually really great people. But secondly Jewish people are no more satanist than Christians are or Muslims. All the Abrahamic religions worship the same God, they only differ in what they think that God has meant since around 0 AD. Jewish people (for the most part) don't believe Jesus was anything more than a man, though some do believe him to have been a prophet, and Messianic Jews actually believe him to have been the Messiah, Muslims believe he was a prophet just like Ezekiel or Joshua. Up until around 300AD though even a lot of Christians didn't believe Jesus was the literal son of God, they just believed him to the the messiah (the leader of the Jews who would lead the Jews to salvation).

And yes Jesus was Jewish, despite what your minister, preacher, priest or whatever you call your particular form of religious leader told you. He is quite proud of being Jewish in most of the bible. The Christians were considered a part of Judaism just like Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans and Calvinists are considered a part of Christianity today. It wasn't until at least a century after Jesus died (the second time) that Christians really were considered something different.

[–]jacques1102 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

No one disagrees that Israel is a corrupted shit country.Even leftist side with Palestine despite it going against everything they believe in.As for your second point, sure there's companies that may have a jewish president or CEO, but what i disagree with is then making the jump to prove some crazy conspiracy theory.For example, this idea that the vaccine was invented by jews to kill off white people when nobody i know who took the vaccine has dropped dead in the span of 2 years since.What gives?Did the jews decide to only poison a few of the vaccines but forgot some?There's also the constant moving goalposts where even when a company or place isn't own by a jewish person that it means jews are working behind the curtains.You know i would agree with people like OP if they didn't resort to "Something bad that i don't like must mean jews are behind it."as if everything is some coordinated thousand year plan by jews.

[–]makesyoudownvote 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh, you and I are definitely on the same page on this. I'm the one who has been giving you funny and incitful votes.

All I'm saying is one of the mistake redditors and the left in general makes when discussing with these people is that they try to draw the line so far back, so as not to give any consessions whatsoever. This makes them objectively wrong which makes any argument they make going forward impossible for the person they are attempting to convince to come over to their side at all.

I got banned from /r/pics a year ago during Kanye's anti-semetic rant because the picture in question was a list of entertainment and finance businesses that were Jewish run. In his mind and the mind of many people who might be even slightly leaning his way this represented proof of his statement. In my mind it was proof of a similar but not identical statement that is simply that those industries do have a lot of Jews in charge, but that doesn't make the whole industry run by THE jews. Your average Jewish person has no association with either of those industries, even though they are more likely than any other group to know someone in those industries.

I got banned because according to reddit the only tactic is to censor, scoff and shame. This is exactly what conspiracy theorists expect in a conspiracy. By banning, scoffing, censoring and shaming you actually reinforce that narrative.

But by engaging like you did, and giving ground when earned, you can open minds just a bit and play part in sharing your perspective that they may be missing. The giving ground is important because otherwise what's the incentive for them to really engage? You have to be willing to risk your own perspective to change others effectively.

Also by understanding where they are coming from you can more easily give directions to where you are than if you just start from where you are. It's common sense that redditors seem to lack.