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[–]Vulptex 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

That's another thing they do to those under supermax security, make your life a living hell in ways so subtle that others can't see it and you can't even describe it yourself. Usually they give you a golden material life but plague you with so many mental illnesses and bad circumstances, and every time it looks like there's light at the end of the tunnel it shuts off as soon as you're about to enter it and it turns out to be more tunnel. They've got us chasing our big break like a hamster on a wheel, it'll never come and they hate us. Others will try to explain it all away as coincidence, but you know it's not, and when you try to tell them that they start to get hostile toward you. I even caught on to a constantly repeating loop of events in my life, that always happen in the same order. It always ends with me getting permanently kicked off of a website or the website shuts down, and this time I was able to predict that it would happen because of where I was in the cycle. I was confused, because I didn't think saidit would ban me, but then Discord banned the WatchRedditDie server and everyone in it got their account disabled. So it still managed to happen in a way I wasn't expecting (the cycle includes me moving to a new site, and after ruqqus shut down I was using both saidit and Discord, for some reason I was only thinking about saidit. Unfortunately this probably means saidit is going to shut down this time, unless another one comes along). This cycle has now repeated 5 times and includes some really insignificant events that always happen in the same order. No, they are not all related to the internet. But at this point I can't believe it's all coincidental anymore, and it's really creepy how others suddenly turn against you if you say you suspect it's not. Almost as if they're supposed to believe that.

[–]SMCAB[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

This is interesting.

Usually they give you a golden material life but plague you with so many mental illnesses and bad circumstances, and every time it looks like there's light at the end of the tunnel it shuts off as soon as you're about to enter it and it turns out to be more tunnel.

This really hit home for me. My material life is nice, I mean I worked my ass of for it, but it's nice. While I don't deal with any true mental illness, this manifests for me in who gets put into my life. I've been in this tunnel for decades.

Thank you. Well put.

[–]Vulptex 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I get a lot of material things handed to me. I've never gotten seriously hurt or sick, I've been really lucky with money so far, I have no siblings, I always performed well in school, automatically get nice school and job offers, I'm good-looking (to other people at least) and attract girls, etc. In all the ways most people base success on, which is basically just meaningless social status and material success, I'm the cream of the crop. I can't tell whether I'm genuinely being protected or it's another gimmick, but the outcome is that I go to bed each night hoping I don't wake up the next day, while my life looks like it's going perfectly. When it comes to everything I actually care about, I've lost almost everything; and what little I do have left is still dwindling. It always seems like it can't get any worse, but then it does. And if I voice my problems and shatter this illusion, people get very angry with me, so I can't get any help. Even therapists will scold me for it. I think people are just in denial about my reality and it's easier for them to pretend like everything is great than face the ugly truth. And it helped me realize some...disturbing things about the nature of existence, concepts others have 100% closed their minds to in their blind acceptance of everything that is. They will not entertain the thought of anything bigger. Even most religious people don't really believe in anything bigger, because all their energy is spent on the same worldly matters as atheists, and they worship nature which is unbelievably evil if you're willing to accept it.

[–]SMCAB[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I think we're exactly same in this context. I could have wrote that word for word.

Thanks for all the info.