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[–]RedditCensorship 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Does anyone remember Digg?

Digg was all about free speech and commenting, then in like 6 months it went all censor-happy and began to ban over the littlest things.

In the last 2-3 years, Reddit has gone from being an open place to discuss and share, to extremely left wing and censorship happy. My god, you can't even discuss even remotely non-PC things on any of the Canadian subreddits.

The Canadian subreddits in particular, and the cesspool of /r/politics, are all so tightly controlled that you'd think /r/Vancouver especially, has nothing but left wing loonies.

This is why more and more people are becoming extremist, because it is natural to seek out organic truths, even if they are offensive, rather than inorganic astro-turf.

When that idiot rapper Lil Dicky was posting his new songs, the sheer amount of canned comments was blatantly obvious, and if you pointed it out, you'd be banned! So many times I began noticing just how scripted Reddit had become. I have no idea where this is going but the only place I go for legitimate conversation and a wide variety of viewpoints is... 4chan's pol!

Well, maybe this will be different...

[–]The_Donald 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It was a good run but that seems to be the natural progression of any highly-trafficked discussion forum, first you get the migration (at that time from Digg) of the first adopters, usually relatively open-minded and civil. Then the mass adoption gathers steam and the low-hanging extremists (both left and right wings) drop their markers and shit all over the place. Cue the next migration of sane minds to the next untarnished forum.