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[–]tiny-brown-mug 0 insightful - 1 fun0 insightful - 0 fun1 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Some other guys on here suggested that these episodes might be related to ADHD or depression medication interacting negatively with the high concentrations of THC in modern marijuana products.


Since then, legal marijuana has been transformed into a potent and unrecognizable product.

“When I speak at parent nights at schools, most adults still think it’s like the weed we smoked when we were teens in the ’80s, which had between 3 to 5% THC per gram of flower,” said Laura Stack, an advocate against cannabis abuse in Colorado. “We never had today’s high-potency concentrates, vapes or edibles.”

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive chemical, or cannabinoid, that causes both the euphoria and the paranoia that tends to accompany marijuana highs. The strongest marijuana flower you can buy is in the range of 25% THC.

The edibles that are sold in dispensaries are created by chemically stripping the THC from the marijuana plant and creating a concentrated THC “wax” that’s typically three times that level. These products also lack CBD, a chemical in natural marijuana that partially counteracts the THC. Even more potent than edibles are “dabs,” a form of THC that users smoke out of vape pens, which can be over 90% THC. At this level of potency, THC can trigger severe symptoms of psychosis in regular users, studies and addiction experts say.