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[–][deleted] 9 insightful - 4 fun9 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

No. Tipping should never be mandatory in any setting, nor pressured on anyone, and anyone who doesn't tip should not be judged or discriminated against.

You attend a commercial establishment and exchange funds for a product or service. The business provides that service by paying staff to deliver the service as per the company terms and customer expectations.

Any further financial transaction is charity, fully voluntary and of no purpose other than to dip your vanity penis into the staff members hole of self-entitlement.

If you want a more financially fulfilling career, progress, educate and work your way up the ladder. If you want free cash, get an OnlyFans, beg on the street or marry a wealthy husband. You make fucking coffee.

This arrogant attitude of demanding a tip will only see me take my ass home and make a hell of a better coffee than you make me when I'm just trying to get about my day. You are not important to me, my coffee is not important to me, going about my day without this nonsense slowing me down is.