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[–]AntiSemit 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

All Imperialism is fundamentally the same, fundamentally uses the same tricks, fundamentally binds individuals first by culture, then, unbreakably, by genetics, and has only been truly vanquished by genocide. You can even see literally all of this happening during the Roman Republic/Empire period and the Qing dynasty. Islamic extremists are essentially the descendants of Ottoman Imperialists, carrying much of the Imperialist-techniques, like Religious-loyalty over Racial-loyalty, the imposition of Imperial Core Wahhabi culture on the Sunnis and Shias, etc. etc. They are not following Quran any more than a Kike follows Tanakh - they are loyal to nothing other than the Imperialist-Interest.

Almost everywhere where you see Ethnostate/Ethnic Confederation-deviating bullshit that spreads like a cancer it's usually to mask Imperialism. Including Soviet endeavours into Afghanistan, which failed because #1 they failed to analyse the Afghan Peasantry's conditions and class-positions, which is due to #2 the Soviet Union and Judeo-Bolshevism fundamentally being run by Imperialists.

The only difference between Azhkenazim and other forms of Imperialists is that they don't have an proper Imperial Core - their ethnicity and their gatherings are their Imperial Core. Look at the Alt-Right accusing the Jews of subversion, and proving it over and over again endlessly. Now realize that those techniques used to belong to the British, from Minority-Chauvinism Divide and Conquer bullshit to Muh Chosen Race garbage. Imperialists all across the globe are fundamentally the same.

They may call themselves Manifest Destiny, God's Chosen People, or Judeo-Bolsheviks. However, they are fundamentally the same. They expand, they consume resources, they parasitize off their Imperial Peripheries and Colonies. They also have a very elaborate story which can literally be anything. One might scream "Muh 6 Gorrilion!!!!" and the other might scream "Deus Vult" or "Workers of the World, Unite!". For as long as they possess said characteristics, though, they will forever be Imperialists. Strip the elaborate story and their true form will be unmasked.

Which is why the People's Republic of China does not export revolution.

starting perhaps with aparthied Israel, or orthodox Jewish hatred of non-Jews, or whatever.

Neither of these are inherently problems. It is only in their relation to the Imperialist-Interest when they became problems.

Racism and Xenophobia should be seen in the light of its relationship with Imperialism. It should only be opposed when it serves the Imperialist-Interest, rather than the Indigenous-Interest. Azhkenazi Jews are not indigenous to Israel, as evident by their skin color. Additionally, the Azhkenazi-Imperialist regime in Israel is oppressing the native Mizrahim the same way the US oppresses blacks, in addition to them treating other Middle-Easterners like how the west treats Asian-Americans and Native Americans.

or with the history of federal reserve banks

Fed is an instrument of Imperialism. In every Imperialist state, the most disgusting Imperialists will get to the top. Most dipshits would claim "Jews control the Fed", but I would say "The Fed's preconditions fundamentally possess an Ashkenazi-Imperialistic character, being an instrument for Capital-Imperialism, i.e. the Christians who have adopted the Characteristics of the Jew. Hence, it is only a matter of time before Jews seize the Fed, and it should be even more of a surprise if Jews did not seize it"

Jewry is Imperialism. To destroy Jewry is to destroy Imperialism. To only target individual kikes, but not also demolish Imperialism, would be to give them a new base. All Imperialists must die, so as to deprive Kikes of bases.