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[–]Intuit 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The provisions define the words "canvasser" and "canvassing" and ban door-to-door canvassing in public neighborhoods that choose to place signs at each entrance prohibiting such activity. The City of Wixom does not require canvassers to carry a permit.

ACLU Attorney Bonsitu Kitaba called the ordinance "problematic" in that it restricts political expression.

She added that while an individual resident may choose to post a "No canvassing" or "No solicitation" sign on their own property, the city or neighborhood association cannot implement a "blanket ban" on these types of First Amendment activities.

Translation: "mostly peaceful" Burn, Loot, Murder protests in neighborhoods are a constitutional right.