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[–][deleted] 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is a bit myopic of the factors studied for attractiveness. Yes, you can get dental correction, and yes you can wear makeup if you're female, exercise, and avoid being fat or slovenly. However, most people do these things as it is, and even after these are still fairly average. Height is a considerable factor that you cannot, without great personal risk and a lot of money most people won't see, significantly alter. Baldness can be delayed for some, but not most. And it's with some irony that for a lot of these things the answer is "just be rich" - but even then wealth only does so much.

To be clear, I do not disagree with keeping yourself as attractive as you can make yourself. In fact, I encourage it. For your mental and physical health, and your social health. But let's not pretend as if people can transform into an Adonis, and pretend the economic and social consequences of attractiveness are not beyond our control. They are. However many billions people have, the richest among us can only pay for so much, because we're still quite limited. The point I must press upon you is that people get their lot in life, and their treatment in life, still largely beyond their control no matter how much modification is attempted. The only way to deal with reality, and be properly sympathetic to those suffering it, is to accept it. Denying it is the height of cruelty, because it doesn't change how people treat others in the least.

Think of it this way: Pretending it don't real, people's natural responses heighten that cruelty and disparity. But perhaps, knowing your kneejerk reaction is to treat those less attractive less favorably, being truly aware of yourself, can result in more kindness.