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[–]Humpty 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It's also possible that you've lived in echo chambers where any "wrongthink" is strictly banned and censored...I suggest you go back to reddit where you can share your deep insights into how everyone is magically biologically 100% completely the same and whatever else nonsense the leftist echochamber propagandamachine produces for the masses.

I suggest you stop making idiotic assumptions about what people think.

Whites are more intelligent than blacks. This is both a scientific fact and scientific consensus.

It is neither.

Your previous echochamber bans any actual science because its "racist".

Translation: "I think 'actual science' means stuff I google from provably garbage 'journals' that agrees with my preconceived opinions about black people. So when people disagree with me, that must mean they're wrong."

Fuck that ignorant, bigoted bullshit.

I hope for your sake you're still a child.

[–]Dragonerne 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're not creating a very friendly climate for debate and you're not offering any sources to your own claims. "It is neither" is not a great argument, it's just your preconceived opinion about black people; contratry to established scientific literature on the matter, which makes it both a preconceived and irrational opinion about black people.

Your opinion is a political opinion backed by a tiny fringe element of political activist experts but not accepted by the vast majority of research in this area for the past more than 100 years. On reddit you could spew these baseless claims as if it was gospel without getting any rebuttals because the mods would censor and ban anyone who dared speak up. Here you don't have this higher power of protection to help you out, so instead your comments and arguments will be challenged openly and for all to see and judge.

Also I'm an adult. Thanks for your concern.