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[–]369[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

What is going to happen in the future?

This is too vague.

Are human societies due for a big cataclysm as a form of correction?

They sure are, but I would think of a "cataclysm" in this sense as being more of an overhaul of humanity's purview. I'll admit, I'm continually surprised to see people don't already feel different or at least the difference.

What long term changes do you foresee from this pandemic?

People should be (rightfully) very skeptical of inoculation from now on. Which, I should be specific enough here so I can avoid petty labels and say that immunization is a field of study for a good reason. While I'd insist that no one should feel compelled to inoculate themselves in order to provide herd immunity to people with weaker immune systems, the evident prospect of eradicating certain ailments is a bit more than simply rewarding. Instead, I would advice anyone and everyone willing to pay attention to get a feel for the landscape of vaccines and to understand at least the basics of assertions suggesting what could go wrong with each element of a given vaccine and decide on your own how helpful it would be to become immunized to something specific whether it's for you or a child. I would be especially cautious of any vaccine a child might get, although I do acknowledge that some of them are unarguably helpful.

Beyond that, I'd guess people will be a bit less trusting of China for at least a generation or two. It's my guess China is fucked on the world stage at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if HK goes independent Brexit style after this recent stunt. I'd also keep an eye on Africa and their ports if the China thing really blows up.

Is it better to go primitive primal religion and give up on vices and technological developments in order to survive?

Better? It's certainly not inadvisable but I would stay away from ANY organized "Religion". I would learn more about the etymology of "Religion" and keep in mind that it is not Religio and remember only fuckos will try to convince you that's correct. Also, I would not forsake technological developments and especially not over the next ten years. If things are going the way I'm being show (so long as I'm interpreting things correctly, that is), you'll likely hardly recognize how different the world is after a decade. I'd say plenty of sectors are going to go parabolic in terms of innovation and progress.

Be a prepper nutter and run-hide in a bunker?

This hasn't been necessary since the Dark Ages and I have a very difficult time believing it will ever be a situation that needs to be considered again (in our lifetime, at least).

A lot of this is speculation, though. I was sort of hoping you guys would lean more toward explaining things you didn't understand, like what's happening with Flynn right now, what's coming down the pipe the next couple of weeks on the political stage, or something like that.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Meh.. I just asked a bunch of general questions that the collapse narrative has encouraged, we may be closer to that mythos or perhaps not. My apologies for being off the mark and I have no idea who Flynn is or what is happening with that. The bigger picture of what could happen intrigues me more than just the next couple of weeks because many drastic events (like 9/11) tend to have longer term consequences that we underestimate.

In my opinion, we seem to be in an end-game/game-changer of some sort but can't completely figure it out, much less benefit in any way from it.

[–]369[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You can unquestionably benefit from it.

Flynn is an important General that worked in the Intelligence Community who is about to spill some beans.

Finally, you're correct - we're at an end-game scenario here. Although, I would call it start-game if I were you...

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm all up for an end-game/start-game movement as long as the end result involves a little more intelligence and improvement from our current standing. It gets tiresome to keep brown-nosing these boomer anti-improvement forces from the past with their inefficiencies. Like worshiping idols and being lazy. why?

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I was sort of hoping you guys would lean more toward explaining things you didn't understand, like what's happening with Flynn right now, what's coming down the pipe the next couple of weeks on the political stage, or something like that.

Doesn't that seem like the smaller picture though? I'm sure we could all imagine what's coming if we've been paying attention and researching for years, as well as have friends in government. No matter who you talk to though, no one knows everything - no one even knows the gist. They can't explain the rational behind any of this.

What I simply never understood, as a child who witnessed 9/11 in the 4th grade and started researching shit when I was in middle school, why do the things have to be this way? Why aren't we in a world of peace and utopia right now? Why did the story go down this path, when it could have gone down a beautiful path? This path seems like it takes much more effort than peace, which is ironic. There has to be a reason.

I have one more question for you before you go: What do you know of New Swabia, Inner Earth and the Vril & Thule societies?

I've read a lot about the Nazi's research into the center of the earth.. I even have declassified papers from the FBI and CIA about Hitler, the Nazi's, Argentina, what they were studying and even "inner earth". There were official Nazi maps with entrances lol. The Thule Society, Vril, etc.

Edit: Here's some of the things I was talking about, for everyone in this thread to take a look at, as well as research if they've never heard of this shite, I uploaded both declassified FBI documents on the Germans, their technology and their survival after WWII, as well as German Military information from that time too, which is "non-existent", that people like me have copies of:

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Humanity may not move forward without experiencing adversity. Times of great chaos, of great despair, are opportunities for heroes to emerge, for a shift to take hold.

Things have to happen this way because a long time ago we were dragged down to the state we're in now. When that occurred, we were parted with our abilities which made us more effective in shaping the world around us. The atrophy that took hold has taken its course and we still haven't even gotten close to fully recovering. Because of this, the ones that lie in wait and who preserve the continuity of this place and our people have to play a very careful hand. If things recover too quickly, we may lose our chance to escape the grasp of the ones holding us here. If things happen too slowly, we may fall back in to apathy and dismay and concede the chance to progress along the spiral.

In short, things have to happen this way because there's still stragglers out there, ones that haven't awoken from the dream. People today still lead lives which are too comfortable, assume positions that are too pampered, and avoid at all cost any sharp edges. Should they jump in the deep end, realize how scary it isn't and begin to work their way up from the bottom again, we can all have an easier time along this pay.

I think this is a good time to remind you (yes, remind you) that things have got to be difficult for a reason. Little good ever happens here without sizable adversity. In the beginning of the series The Magicians (which is filled with quite a few tasteless themes, mind you), it's explained that the characters in the story do not acquire magic from a soft and unimpeded upbringing, but from disaster, from pain and from adversity. But, what if it wasn't just some tell-a-vision show?

I was hoping that by now you would have guessed that despite both of our efforts, this remains a legitimate area of question for good reason. I'm still of the opinion we're not supposed to know, again, for very good reason.

I want to know also, but I think it may help a little to know that the reason we can't scrape any more away is because that part of the story is still being written. After all, considering your fascination with this subject, I'd venture to guess that you're more versed on it than I. I can reiterate some things though - TMNT, Byrd and the Arianni are important and what's been recorded as having been found under the ice caps are all important to understand.

Still, as unfortunate as it sounds, the ones you call "Jews" continue to work today in tandem with what you would call the "4th Reich". The spiritual elements of Nazism are, from what I gather, their real value. Unfortunately, it's not simple to understand these subjects, so I'm going to relent while I still can.

Again, I'd like to know more, but I just don't see the same value in understanding as you seem to. I hope you find what you're looking for regardless, friend.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Not gonna lie d00d, you creeped me out with this:

I think this is a good time to remind you (yes, remind you) that things have got to be difficult for a reason. Little good ever happens here without sizable adversity. In the beginning of the series The Magicians (which is filled with quite a few tasteless themes, mind you), it's explained that the characters in the story do not acquire magic from a soft and unimpeded upbringing, but from disaster, from pain and from adversity. But, what if it wasn't just some tell-a-vision show?

lmao, how da fuck u know what I just started watching? I agree with everything you said (including the tasteless themes in the show - it's like I'm watching 50 minutes of garbage for 5 minutes worth of actually interesting content that relates to the real world), including everything you've said outside of this quote. I understand what you're saying. "Nothing good comes from the comfort zone". How can one learn if they stay in the comfort zone? And hypothetically, if a being is trying to develop spiritually, how can they learn from staying in a zone filled with comfort?

Again, 2 final questions if you'll entertain me once more now that you've now brought up new content via your response:

"When that occurred, we were parted with our abilities which made us more effective in shaping the world around us."

This is ambigious; it can be taken in many ways. Are you talking Alchemy? Mysticism? Gnosticism?

"If things recover too quickly, we may lose our chance to escape the grasp of the ones holding us here."

Who are the ones holding us here, or at the very least, why are they holding us here? You mentioned earlier "we are being farmed". Is this why?

Thank you for your thoughtful responses, I genuinely appreciate them.

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Are you talking Alchemy? Mysticism? Gnosticism?

Those are all areas that apply but it's up to you to attribute reason to the topics. All I can do is show you what to aim at.

Who are the ones holding us here, or at the very least, why are they holding us here? You mentioned earlier "we are being farmed". Is this why?

We've already covered "who", but they're holding us here as an experiment of sorts, as far as I know. Besides, you pretty much answered your own question.

By the way, I think the reason you started watching it recently is probably for the same reason I started watching it a short while ago. I think it just means both of us are paying closer attention than we realize.

Twin Peaks is probably next for me. Hell, we've got some catching up to do... don't we? Did you ever get around to watching Lost?

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'm not even kidding or saying this to "appease" you, but Twinpeaks is next for me too, it's been recommended to me by several people irl lmao. And yeah, I've watched Lost a bunch of times! It's actually the first show or "series" I ever watched, that got me into watching series like these!

Edit: Btw, I do believe a lot is revealed through these "series" or "tell-a-vision" or "programming" shows. It's just it's mostly filled with garbage. But if you pay attention, for whatever reason, they do reveal truths from time to time; sometimes it doesn't even relate to the story being told, it just appears in the form of a joke.

Besides, you pretty much answered your own question

Hmm, I think I understand what you mean by this, so then you agree with what I said about everything in relation 2 "The Egg/comfort"?

[–]369[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hmm, I think I understand what you mean by this, so then you agree with what I said about everything in relation "The Egg/comfort"?

When it comes to sensations like comfort, there is always an antithesis. The value in understanding that is that through synthesis comes about growth. Comfort eases adversity. Adversity rewards comfort. I tend to imagine it as a pendulum.