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[–]portace 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

You need to F off with the anti-Semite shit. Oligarchs and Zionists don't represent the entire Jewish population.

[–]AntiSemit 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes they do. Read Zur Judenfrage. The Rich Jew, the Poor Jew, the Rich Good Goy, and the Poor Good Goy all benefit from Imperialist Superprofits and are hence all incentivized to loot other nations, spread Imperialist lies, and in general help the "deep state" oppress the Global South.

The only exceptions are Mizrahim, who are basically Goyim who just so happens to share a genetic and cultural heritage with Heeb-Nosed, as well as a good portion of people in Europe who basically lived in Europe for their entire genetic lineage, plus a bunch of literal race-traitors within the US (which I can probably count on 4 hands in my 5 years of browsing /pol/, saidit, ruqqus,, GenZedong, ShitLiberalsSay, etc) - which, by the way, can't be counted on since the probability of a true race traitor is similar to that of a person with a serious genetic disorder: 1/2000, PER INTEREST BETRAYED. Even Karl Marx, an individual who passed not one, but TWO 1/2000 treason checks (race and class traitor), being a 1/4000000 occurrence, made it very clear to NEVER RELY on interest-traitors - precisely because of the rarity of the 1/2000.

There's a reason why the US is Jew HQ. It's because the US, like the Azhkenazim, are an Imperialist power, and everyone inside the US who isn't a Native American is some form and magnitude of Imperialist. Even "Anti-Imperialists" within the US backstab the Anti-Imperialist movement in order to push LGBTQ garbage (see: r/GenZedong, r/ShitLiberalsSay, r/DebateCommunism, etc). They are ALL bound by the Imperialist-Interest.

The only way an Imperialist can break the Imperialist-interest is to literally dilute the Imperialist-lineage and erase the Imperialist-heritage by as much as possible. This is why Jews fear Mischlingification so much: it literally destroys their way of life by dilution of genetics. Of all "Jews" remaining in China, all of them are heavily diluted, and hence have not only 0 reason but also 0 ability to subvert.

Mao Zedong purposefully rejected every male kike (like Jacob Rosenfeld) while letting the female ones in, because it's easier to erase culture if the source of the culture is female. As far as I know, only Israel Epstein got past.