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[–]adultmanhwa 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Muhammad is accused stealing red panties,
Muhammad force muslim wives to be given to him when he has liking,
Muhammad let bedouin shitting in mosque under his watch,
Muhammad pay bloody killer to be muslim (not repenting),
Muhammad die poisoned by jewess who her family he kill,
Muhammad is yearning to die prophet (try to suicide many times),
Muhammad washing himself in dirty water - claim that water is always clean,
Muhammad say dates fruit cures any disease (eternally) - covid19?
Muhammad also really hates if he's called as black ppl,
Muhammad is f*ing 9 years old,

this is not a slander, 100% quran authentic.